Gómez Reyes Reintroduces Bill Intended To Insulate Homes From Warehouses

(March 23) Eight months after Assemblywoman Eloise Gómez Reyes pulled the plug on legislation she previously sponsored that was intended to insulate homeowners and their families from the harmful effects of the proliferation of warehouses and their encroachment into residential neighborhoods because of opposition, she has reintroduced that bill in a slightly altered form.
Assembly Bill 2840, which was authored by Gómez Reyes (Democrat-47th District) was not considered in last year’s legislative session because of what those opposed to it said were uneven elements in its makeup.
At the time Gómez Reyes withdrew the bill in July, she said she had elected to withhold it because of “concerns around maintaining the integrity of the bill after committee-proposed amendments.”
Gómez Reyes, who is the Assembly majority leader, introduced AB 2840 in March 2022. If it had passed in its original form, it would have required local governments, when approving new logistics projects of 100,000 square feet or more, to impose a 1,000-foot buffer between those projects and homes, schools, health care centers, playgrounds and other places especially at risk from air pollution blamed on warehouse-bound diesel trucks.
AB 2840 would also have required a “skilled and trained workforce,” as defined by the state Public Contract Code, to build warehouses. The bill also called for “local residents” to be entitled to a set percentage of jobs once the warehouse opens.
The California Chamber of Commerce and the Fontana Chamber of Commerce opposed the bill.
AB 284 “exacerbates California’s existing supply chain problems,” Adam Regele, CalChamber senior policy advocate, said publicly.
The bill ignored “California’s robust environmental laws and regulations which already redress and fully mitigate all significant impacts from warehouse development,” Regele said. California and Southern California in particular, Regele insisted, “need more warehouses to spur the economy and alleviate critical supply chain issues. Supply and distribution chains across California are a matter of vital statewide importance.”
This month, saying “Warehouse growth in the Inland Empire and beyond shows no signs of slowing,” Gómez Reyes introduced AB 1000, which she dubbed “the Good Neighbor Policy.”
She said the law AB 1000 will create if passed, “addresses the planning and construction of new logistics centers across California. The bill would permit local governments to approve construction of large warehouses and logistics centers of over 100,000 square feet when they are 1,000 feet from sensitive receptors such as schools, homes and daycares. Local governments would also be able to approve construction of these facilities as close as 750 feet from a sensitive receptor when specific mitigation measures are followed to reduce negative community impacts.”
According to Gómez Reyes, “The development of industrial facilities should not come at the detriment of the health, wellness and quality of life of the community. AB 1000 proposes a fair approach that will not only protect communities, but also offer a chance for a project to show its commitment to being a good neighbor. The status quo is not working for many of our most vulnerable residents and we must find a better way to manage these large projects in order to move California forward.”
Under AB 1000, mitigation measures that would allow a project to be within 750 feet of a project include standards related to zero-emission energy, zero-emission vehicles, transportation infrastructure and operation requirements such as a commitment to reducing truck idling in adjacent neighborhoods.
Because of its placement on the route between the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach and the rest of the country, which includes the 10 Freeway and the 215 Freeway as well as rail lines, the Inland Empire has seen a boom in the construction of warehouses, distribution centers and other logistics-related facilities over the past 16 years.
Gómez Reyes’ district includes Bloomington, Colton, Grand Terrace, Fontana, Muscoy, Rialto and part of San Bernardino.
There are 3,027 warehouses in San Bernardino County. In Ontario alone, there are 289 warehouses larger than 100,000 square feet. Reportedly, there are 142 warehouses in Fontana larger than 100,000 square feet.
Fontana has been so aggressive in building warehouses over the last dozen years that the city’s mayor, Acquanetta Warren, is known by those who both oppose and favor warehouse development as “Warehouse Warren.” In 2021 year, California Attorney General Rob Bonta sued Fontana over its affinity for warehouses, forcing the city into a settlement that calls for far greater regulation of the construction of logistics facilities in the city of 208,393.
In Chino there are 118 warehouses larger than 100,000 square feet, 109 larger than 100,000 square feet in Rancho Cucamonga and 75 larger than 100,000 square feet in San Bernardino. Since 2015, 26 warehouse project applications have been processed and approved by the City of San Bernardino, entailing acreage under roof of 9,598,255 square feet, or more than one-third of a square mile, translating into 220.34 acres.
After Ontario, Fontana, Chino, Rancho Cucamonga and San Bernardino, the city in San Bernardino County with the next largest number of warehouses of more than 100,000 square feet is Redlands, with 56, followed by Rialto with 47.
Increasingly, some elected officials, local residents and futurists are questioning whether warehouses constitute the highest and best use of the property available for development in the region. The glut of logistics facilities in the Inland Empire has some thinking their numbers are out of balance. In refuting the assertions of the proponents of warehouses that they constitute positive economic development, their detractors cite the relatively poor pay and benefits provided to those who work in distribution facilities, the large diesel-powered semi-trucks that are part of those operations with their unhealthy exhaust emissions, together with the bane of traffic gridlock they create.
Gómez Reyes, while acknowledging the logistics industry represents limited economic benefits to the region, maintains intensified warehouse construction carries with it environmental hazards that bring those benefits into question.
AB 2840 was supported by environmental groups and environmental justice organizations, including residents of Fontana who did not want more logistics centers built in their community. Nevertheless, the bill ran head on into stiff opposition from economic development advocates. Indicating last July that she believed legislative discretion was called for at that time, Gómez Reyes said last summer, “I made the difficult decision to hold AB 2840 in the Senate Governance and Finance Committee.” Saying the 1,000-foot buffer between 100,000-square feet-or-larger warehouses and sensitive receptors was a common sense approach, and that she had tailored AB 2840 specifically to Riverside and San Bernardino counties, she said that the prospect that opponents of the bill would succeed in keeping from passing convinced her to “look at other opportunities to address the issue of warehousing next to sensitive receptors such as schools and homes in future legislative sessions.”
AB 1000 represents her fulfillment of that commitment.
Others, such as Fontana Chamber of Commerce President Phil Cothran, feel legislation aimed at warehouses will harm the prospect for generating more jobs locally in terms of construction, supply chain management, logistics, development and the transportation industries tied into distribution centers.
“Our area has worked hard for decades, if not centuries, to assure that Inland Southern California can produce jobs and grow businesses by supporting goods movement through rail, truck and trailer transport, the ports, and education programs that build a workforce,” Cothran wrote in a letter he sent to Reyes last year. “AB 2840 strips all local governments across California of their zoning and land use authority, ignores California’s robust environmental laws and regulations applicable to this type of development and exacerbates existing supply chain problems and rising inflation plaguing California by making it harder and more expensive to develop these types of projects.”
Cothran asserted that existing laws and regulations “already require qualifying logistics-use projects and warehouses to comply with a long list of local, state and federal environmental laws” and that AB 2840 “would stop job creation and limit our local commitment to provide for a good quality of life for all.” He said, “[E]xisting law already forces new projects or the expansion of an existing facility to undergo the most rigorous environmental analysis and mitigation measures in the country.”
In stating she would yet pursue comprehensive regulation pertaining to warehouse development, Gómez Reyes said she believed Cothran was overstating his case. She suggested there are yet gaps in the environmental regulations applied to warehouses.
“I want to be clear that my intention has never been to stop development,” she said. “We did not move forward despite an offer to put in place a moratorium on warehouse development in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties for a full year. I decided not to accept this proposed amendment of a one-year moratorium because I am looking for true solutions for those most harmed. I know we can find that solution and ensure our families in the Inland Empire are protected.”
-Mark Gutglueck

Granlund’s Departure From Yucaipa H2O Board Closes Out Family’s East Valley Political Era

An era in San Bernardino County governance will close out next month with the departure of Lonnie Granlund as a board member with the Yucaipa Valley Water District.
Granlund has been a director with the district since December 2008.
Granlund’s presence on the board extended for more than a decade the political reach of the Granlund family in the Redlands-Mentone-Yucaipa neck of the San Bernardino County woods.
Lonnie Granlund is the ex-wife of Brett Granlund, who served as a Yucaipa councilman before being elected to the California Assembly in 1994. Brett Granlund remained as an assemblyman until 2000.
Thereafter, he was a principle in Platinum Advisors, a government relations and lobbying firm in Sacramento that had as its clients many movers and shakers in San Bernardino County. In addition, Platinum Advisors represented San Bernardino County’s governmental structure in Sacramento.
The late Bruce Granlund, Brett Granlund’s brother, was also a member of the board of directors of the Yucaipa Valley Water District. Bruce Granlund and Lonnie Granlund served on the board simultaneously. In fact, From December 2012 until December 2014 and from December 2014 until December 2016, first Bruce Granlund and then Lonnie Granlund were consecutive presidents of the Yucaipa Valley Water District Board of Directors.
The Community of Yucaipa, as much or more than virtually every other city or political sub-entity in San Bernardino County, is prone to familial political dynasties.
After Chris Mann resigned his position as a member of the Yucaipa Valley Water District Board of Directors, the board chose to replace him with Greg Bogh, who in December left the Yucaipa City Council after serving on that body for three terms. Welcoming him onto the board was his brother, Board Member Jay Bogh. In addition, Greg Bogh’s wife, Rosilicie, served on the Yucaipa-Calimesa Joint Unified School Board and is now a California assemblywoman. Greg Bogh’s cousin, Russ, was formerly in the California Assembly. Another cousin, Michael Bogh, has been bitten by the political bug, having vied unsuccessfully for the Highland City Council.
Lonnie Granlund submitted a letter of resignation to her colleagues on the board of directors earlier this month, advising them that they should move ahead with finding a replacement for her at the end of April, when her resignation becomes effective.
“After much thought and much consideration, I have decided to step down from my position on the board after over 14 years of service to the community,” she wrote.
Granlund’s departure does potentially create the possibility of some expense for the district down the road, although not necessarily.
Governing boards of public entities must be composed of a majority of elected office holders. As the Yucaipa Valley Water District Board of Directors intends and most likely will appoint someone to replace Lonnie Granlund, at that point two of the board’s three members will have been appointed, in that Greg Bogh was appointed to replace Chris Mann.
If there were to be a departure of any of the three remaining elected members of the board – Nyles O’Harra, Jay Bogh or Joyce McIntire – that board member could not be replaced by appointment, and a special election, costing the district well in excess of $100,000, would have to be held.
Granlund lives in the district Division 4. The district is now soliciting applicants who live within Division 4 for consideration as her replacement. Those wishing to apply need to do so by April 26. Once those applicants are determined to be qualified by the demonstration that they are registered to vote and live within the boundaries of Division 4, interviews of all candidates will be conducted on May 1 at which time the board is expected to make a selection.

Redlands Municpal Officials’ Transition Into Six Story City Hall Begins

(Narch 23) Redlands city officials have begun their migration out of the current City Hall within the Redlands Civic Center at 35 Cajon Street to what is to become City Hall over the next two to three generations.
Construction of the 92,000-square-foot, six story building began in 1980 and opened in 1981 as the corporate headquarters for Redlands Federal Savings and Loan. More recently it has become known as the Citibank building and has been redubbed the Citrus Center Building.
For some time, Redlands officials have been contemplating a move out of the current City Hall. In 2008, the Redlands Safety Hall which was built in 1963 and consisted of the city council chambers that were in use until 1994, the police department and the city jail, was shuttered because of concerns about seismic stability and structural flaws, including the presence of asbestos.
Since constructing a new City Hall which would contain a police and fire department headquarters as well as offices for all city departments would likely cost upwards of $30 million, the city in late 2020 made an offer to ESRI, which had acquired the Citibank building, to purchase that edifice, located on the south side of East State Street, between Seventh Street and Eighth Street.
Reportedly, that offer was $15 million, less than half of what city officials would have to pay in architectural, engineering and construction costs alone in building new municipal quarters. ESRI made a counteroffer of $16 million and in June 2021, the city closed a deal with ESRI to purchase the bank building.
While some city residents were opposed to the purchase and conversion, city officials saw multiple advantages to establishing City Hall in the highly visible Redlands Federal Savings and Loan building. It is large enough to contain all of the city’s departments in one place, with room to spare for future growth in those offices. The building itself is also eminently identifiable, as the tallest structure in the city.
Officials believe that for less than $2.5 million, the interior of the building can be adapted to the city’s departments and their varying needs. The council chambers will be located, most likely, on the third floor. By late 2024 and certainly no later than 2025, all of the city’s departments and offices will be relocated into the building.
Renovations and tenant improvements to the fifth and sixth floors have been ongoing for more than 18 months.
This week, City Manager Charles Dugan, Assistant City Manager Chris Boatman, Communications Manager Carl Baker and City Attorney Yvette Abich Garcia began functioning out of the sixth floor of the Citibank Building.

Chaffey Show Band James Bond Music Concert At Merton E Hill Auditorium April 24

Ontario (March 23, 2023) – The musicians of the Ontario Chaffey Community Show Band and the Chaffey Adult School are proud to present “A Salute to James Bond” on Monday April 24, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. in Merton E. Hill Auditorium located on the campus of Chaffey High School on the Southwest corner of N. Euclid Ave. and Fifth Street in Ontario. Early concert goers are invited to arrive at 7:00 p.m. to be entertained by the “Woodwind Celebration” ensemble in the lobby while enjoying complimentary coffee and cookies. The performance is free to the public.
The April concert features a repertoire of theme songs from James Bond movies that span the course of more than a half century. James Bond was born from the imagination of British author Ian Fleming, who was best known for his series of Bond spy novels. He drew from his wartime service and his career as a journalist for much of the background, detail, and depth of his stories about his super spy.
The concert program will include theme songs from the first Bond film, Dr. No produced in 1962, to the 2012 movie Skyfall. Show Band soloists include dancer Kathy Soderlund who will perform in “From Russia With Love” and “Diamonds are Forever.” David Grasmick will play a piccolo trumpet solo on “You Only Live Twice.” Natasha Le will sing “Nobody Does It Better” from The Spy Who Loved Me. Saxophonist Francisco Mowatt will be featured on “A View To A Kill.” Assistant Director Pat Arnold will perform a tenor saxophone solo on “You Know My Name” from Casino Royale. The outstanding musicians of the Show Band will highlight the evening with their performances of “The James Bond Theme,”
“Goldfinger,” “Live and Let Die,” “For Your Eyes Only,” “License to Kill,” “The World Is Not Enough,” and “Skyfall.”
The performance will be narrated by Todd Haag, Principal of the Chaffey Adult School, and retired Chaffey District teacher Debbie Haag.
Please be sure to join us for this exciting evening of Bond hits and do not forget to invite your family and friends! You can also support the Show Band by visiting and feeding our Hungry Tuba located in the lobby of the auditorium. The concert will be broadcast on local Ontario cable Channel 3. Check your cable listings for the date and time.
The Ontario Chaffey Community Show Band was founded in 1985 by R. Jack Mercer and is now under the direction of Dr. Gabe Petrocelli and assistant directors David Schaafsma and Pat Arnold. Band members represent at least two dozen communities throughout Southern California. Adult musicians and students are invited to participate. Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings from 7 to 9:00 p.m. at the Chaffey High School Jack Mercer Band Room. The band performs monthly concerts on the campus of Chaffey High School as well as at other venues throughout the community. All performances are free to the public.

March 24 SBC Sentinel Legal Notices

TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner LAWRENCE GITONGA and JHOANNA GABUYA filed with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Notice of Hearing
Date: APRIL 11, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM
Department: S22
The address of the court is Superior Court of California,
County of San Bernardino, 247 West Third Street, San Bernardino, CA 92415
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be published in the San Bernardino County Sentinel in San Bernardino County California, once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing of the petition.
Brian S. McCarville, Judge of the Superior Court
Filed: October 26, 2022
Refiled: February 28, 2023
Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court: Sophia A. Smith
Silver King Gitonga, In Pro Per
27124 Pacific Street
San Bernardino, CA 92346
(909) 901-1721
Published in the San Bernardino County Sentinel on March 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2023.

FBN 20230001715
The following entity is doing business primarily in San Bernardino County as FRESHH DONUTS 1150 N RIVERSIDE AVE RIALTO, CA 92376: THEARY THOEUN 6019 MAGNOLIA RIALTO, CA 92377
The business is conducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL.
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: March 4, 2013.
By signing, I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime (B&P Code 179130. I am also aware that all information on this statement becomes Public Record upon filing.
Statement filed with the County Clerk of San Bernardino on: 2/22/2022
I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office San Bernardino County Clerk By:/Deputy I9576
Notice-This fictitious name statement expires five years from the date it was filed in the office of the county clerk. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before that time. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state, or common law (see Section 14400 et seq., Business and Professions Code).
Published in the San Bernardino County Sentinel on 3, 10, 17 & 24, 2023.

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Rowe Asserts Her Oversight Authority, Putting Dicus In The Cross Hairs

By Mark Gutglueck
Shrouded in niceties and politesse, a rare show of disagreement between the county’s governmental leadership was on display this week when Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors Dawn Rowe called for an examination of the collective response to the blizzard that hit the county’s mountain region late last and early this month.
For the first time in two decades and primarily at Rowe’s behest, the board flexed its authority in a way that pointedly outlined its theoretical oversight of the county sheriff, a position which for more than two-thirds of a century has been occupied by a personage deemed San Bernardino’s primary and most powerful political figure.
In the wake of an unrelenting 11-day blizzard that blanketed the county’s mountain communities in both the San Bernardino Mountains and San Bernardino National Forest/San Gorgonio Wilderness to the east and the San Gabriel and Angeles National Forest to the west in snow drifts reaching or exceeding ten feet in depth, Rowe used her autonomy as board chairwoman to have County Chief Executive Officer Leonard Hernandez undertake a thorough examination of how well the various arms of the county working in concert with three state agencies met the challenges the blizzard represented. Inherent in that review is a critique of the performance of the sheriff’s department and that of Sheriff Shannon Dicus, who played a central role in the response.
Dicus is the current holder of the political scepter passed down to him as the inheritor of the Frank Bland political machine. Bland was first elected in 1954, the last sheriff of San Bernardino County to defeat a sitting sheriff seeking reelection. Bland overcame the incumbent, Gene Mueller, in that election, and in so doing established a political dynasty that has remained intact for 69 years. Bland, who began as a political reformer battling the twin evils of whorehouses where the men of the county indulged themselves sexually outside the bonds of marriage and pinball parlors where teenagers distracted themselves from their homework only to himself become entangled in connections with the prostitution industry, remained as sheriff for 28 years over seven elected terms. In 1982, he anointed Floyd Tidwell as his successor, handing off to him the political machinery he had built over the years, consisting primarily of a wealth of political donors whose generosity in terms of producing electioneering funding rendered Tidwell, like Bland before him, undefeatable. Tidwell in 1990 handed the Bland political machine, along with his endorsement, off to Dick Williams, his undersheriff, in 1990, after Tidwell, too, became personally linked with the prostitution industry through his 1982 and 1986 campaign manager, Garry Brown. In 1994, Williams opted against running for reelection, choosing to endorse Gary Penrod, who used the Bland political machine to achieve an easy victory over opponents. Penrod remained as sheriff for 11 years, resigning as sheriff and recommending that the board of supervisors, which complied, appoint Rod Hoops. Hoops, with the advantage of the backing of the Bland political machine was elected outright in 2010 and in 2011, himself resigned, installing, again with his recommendation and the complicity of the board of supervisors, his handpicked successor, John McMahon. McMahon used the Bland political machine to achieve election in 2012 and reelection in 2016 and 2020. In 2021, he resigned, at which point the board of supervisors acceded to his wish that it replace him with Dicus.
Dicus now controls both the sheriff’s department and the political machine that originated with Bland and was passed down to him through the brotherhood of the intervening last five sheriffs.
In San Bernardino County, as a consequence of the culture of what is the largest county in the lower 48 states, the general mentality of its residents, county history, the immense fundraising facility of the Bland political machine, the overriding advantage that fundraising capability confers upon the incumbent sheriff, the traditional authority of the sheriff’s position itself and the deference shown to the sheriff by virtually every other elected official within the county, the sheriff in San Bernardino County is, hands down, the most powerful and influential officeholder in the county. Every sheriff in San Bernardino County over the last four generations has been able to effectuate with a flick of his wrist what other accomplished politicians throughout the county have not been able to achieve with the application of their entire bodies and souls. No candidate for political office in San Bernardino County since Bland was in place as sheriff has achieved election in the face of the sheriff’s opposition. In the same timeframe, every candidate that has carried the sheriff’s endorsement – for municipal, state or federal office – has won.
In the aftermath of substantial delays in clearing the main highways leading into the county’s mountain communities, travel restrictions both up and down the mountain, accompanying difficulties in getting provisions up to the stores across the mountaintops from both Big Bear’s incorporated and unincorporated districts at the far east end to Lake Arrowhead to Crestline and Mt. Baldy, the failure to open the blocked larger roads that connect with those highways for several days beyond the highways at last being opened and the inability to even reach the smaller and narrower roads off the beaten track that lead to chalets, homes cabins and shacks where individuals and families were snowed in or trapped for, in some cases, more than two weeks, Rowe this week ordered an examination of the performance of county officials in coming to terms with the challenges of the blizzard.

Rowe felt a double imperative to initiate that inquiry. In January, a little more than four years after she was appointed to serve out the last two years of James Ramos’s term as Third District supervisor following his election to the California Assembly in 2018 and two years after her election to the post in her own right, Rowe was selected by her board colleagues to serve as board chairwoman, a post which traditionally carries with it responsibility beyond that of mere supervisor, making her the overseer/ombudswoman of the entire county. In addition, as of last December, following the redistricting of county that took place in 2021 as a consequence of the 2020 Census, the Third District Rowe represents underwent a border change by which it absorbed all of the San Bernardino Mountain communities, including those to the western side of the mountains, which had formerly been part of the Second District. While the Second District encompasses Mount Baldy and Wrightwood lies within the First District, the Third District communities of Crestline, Valley of Enchantment, Lake Gregory, Cedar Glen, Cedarpines Park, Blue Jay, Lake Arrowhead, Arrowbear, Running Springs, Big Bear Lake, Big Bear City, Forest Falls, Angeles Oaks, Green Valley Lake, constitute close to 90 percent of San Bernardino County’s mountain communities.
At the Tuesday, March 14 Board of Supervisors meeting, County Executive Officer Leonard Hernandez aired for the board and the public a video pertaining to the storm and encapsulating the county’s effort to respond to it.
The video featured background music that alternated between being wistful and upbeat, with what looked like overhead footage shot from a moving airplane or helicopter showing a blanket of snow over the mountainous landscape; a ribbon of cleared mountain highway surrounded by snow against the steep mountainside; snowplows, snowblowers and bulldozers being put to use in clearing out snow, boxes of supplies being offloaded from a sheriff’s department helicopter, rows of emergency dispatch personnel at their workstations before computer screens, telephones and walkie talkies; a crew of firefighters being briefed; firefighters digging vehicles out of snowbanks, packages being delivered to residents in homes nearly buried in snow along with similar scenes, together with Rowe addressing the public at a press conference in which she is heard saying, “It is our number one priority to get our residents the food, medicine and access that they need.”
Hernandez then briefed the board and the public on what had occurred and where things stood.
“A storm this widespread and this intense in the rim communities has never occurred,” Hernandez said. “The county did not have the size and scale of plows and other specialized snow removal equipment immediately on hand to quickly clear through the snow. This storm included a particularly strong band of snowfall that spanned over five days through Crestline and Lake Arrowhead. The Mt. Baldy, Wrightwood and Big Bear areas received more snow than they have seen in many years, the volumes of which stressed our response and resources to the limit. Public works and county fire received notice that the incoming storm had become a blizzard warning approximately 24 hours before it hit. Once our teams were notified, they entered a high state of readiness and began to actively monitor the storm and pre-position resources. In the hours leading up to the blizzard, the [California] Office of Emergency Services activated a stormwatch duty officer. Over the weekend, once it was realized that the snowfall was greater than anticipated, the Office of Emergency Services activated the emergency operations center. After conditions became worse and additional storms continued to hit, a unified command structure was stood up, which assures a stronger and more coordinated response to public safety needs. Represented in the unified structure were the sheriff’s department, fire department, county fire, CalFire [the California Division of Forestry], Caltrans [the California Department of Transportation], public works, public health, the American Red Cross, Southern California Edison and the California Highway Patrol, in n addition to the emergency operations center, which included the California Department of Emergency Services. Simply put, all agencies, partners and resources working in a focused partnership.”
Hernandez continued, “In addition to its highest concern, the protection of human life and safety, the priorities for the unified command included making county-maintained roads passable for first responders, ensuring the availability of food, water, medical supplies and prescriptions, assisting utility companies with access and restoring power, establishing multiple community resources, including commodity points of distribution, a prescription delivery service, a donation program, waste disposal sites. We also assisted residents in snow removal from private roads and other non-county roads. A storm this widespread and intense in the Rim Communities has never occurred. Therefore, the county did not have the size and scale of plows and other specialized removal equipment to quickly clear through the snow. “As for the band that struck the Crestline and Lake Arrowhead areas,” Hernandez continue, “we are working to understand whether adequate preparation was accomplished and if there would have been any way to ensure a smooth and quick return to normal. County leadership takes this incident very seriously and looks to learn from this experience to better understand how we can respond to future events. We recognize that this storm event has been an impact on the lives of the residents in the affected areas and believe that there are key takeaways from this situation that will be discussed and implemented for future response events.”
Hernandez said, “For now, there is still work to be done. We are assessing current conditions, looking at the continued clearing of non-county maintained roads, locating areas with high snow berms, rallying teams of volunteers to assist with digging out homes and vehicles and establishing local assistance centers, which bring key resources and agencies to our communities. I appreciate the amazingly hard work and dedication of our county staff. We believe that working together with our partners residents and volunteer groups, there is much to learn and prepare for future extreme weather emergencies.”
Rowe said, “My heart goes out to everyone in the mountain communities who has suffered and continues to suffer. I commend and appreciate everyone on the county’s team for their hard work in responding to this natural disaster. There are many who have been working around the clock in very difficult conditions. However, we clearly have people in the community who feel that the county’s response fell short. I have concerns that the county could have been more effective in some key areas. I think we have to ask questions in four key areas as we move forward. What did we do right? What can we do better? What is the institutional knowledge that we’ve learned? How do we ensure that we are prepared for the future? Mr. CEO, I’d like to direct you to lead a comprehensive examination of how the county responded to this crisis and how to respond to emergencies in general and to report back to the board and the public, no later than six months if that’s doable from your perspective, preferably sooner, the findings of a detailed and innovative plan moving forward. The county is especially prone to natural disasters, as we know from our geographic size and the difference of our geographic locations from our mountains to the desert. We regularly face wildfires and floods. We were struck by a series of earthquakes four years ago, and we will have more to come, for sure. We had to respond to the horrific terrorist attacks in the past. Now we can add blizzards to that list. There is no reason for this county to not be the best prepared in the nation and to have a response both on paper and in practice.”
Rowe said, “My deepest thanks to everyone who has been on the front lines without rest helping our mountain residents.”
Rowe’s request of Hernandez reflected the perspective of the thousands of mountain residents who in the first four or five days of the blizzard saw little in the way of governmental response to the general situation on the mountain and their plight, efforts, both successful and unsuccessful, by those acting in an official capacity to prevent individuals and groups unaffiliated with the government to provide relief, and the initial ineffectiveness of the combined governmental assistance [effort] together with delays in rendering that aid.
A huge issue was, multiple sources have told the Sentinel, the triple inability of San Bernardino County officials to first recognize the depth/scope of the problems, second that the official response at least initially was inadequate and third that private or non-governmental assistance efforts that were under way or being attempted were effective and needed to be further facilitated. This was exacerbated by San Bernardino County officials refusing early offers of mutual aid from outside governmental entities such as Los Angeles County and orders given to private charity and relief efforts to desist or stand down.
Ultimately, San Bernardino County officials, working in conjunction with the California Department of Transportation, the California Office of Emergency Services, the California National Guard and the California Highway Patrol formulated and coordinated a generally effective response, but that took more than a week and in certain locations up the mountain more than two weeks to effectuate.
According to Sheriff Shannon Dicus, he did a helicopter tour of the San Bernardino Mountains on March 2, which was fully nine days after the first storm in a series of at least six storms that ultimately manifested as a blizzard. In the intervening time, according to mountain residents and outside relief volunteers who defied the situational and meteorological challenges to place themselves on the mountain top by either flying there or using vehicles outfitted to allow them to traverse the snow and ice covered shuttered roads up the mountain, neither the sheriff’s department nor the fire department had any significant presence in the mountain communities and no program of assistance or aid ongoing at that time.
On Tuesday, February 28, volunteers with the California Disaster Air Response Team were informed of the difficulties being experienced in the San Bernardino Mountains. Of particular concern at that point was a critical shortage of medicine. Initially, the leadership of the California Disaster Air Response Team, known by its acronym CalDART, was informed that the mountain roads were to be opened shortly. Nevertheless, consideration was given toward making preparation fly in supplies, medicine and food in particular, using a seaplane that would land on Lake Arrowhead. By the next day, with donations of food and medicine accumulating in San Bernardino but no means of getting them up to those in need because the roads remained closed and no prospect of them being opened in the short term existed, the circumstance on the ground worsened with the collapse of the roof at the Goodwin & Son’s Market in Crestline, which had been a key source for food for residents on the western side of the San Bernardino Mountains who were able to walk to it. Ultimately, CalDART volunteers made a determination that they would use helicopters in the supply effort they had resolved to mount, given the continuing road closures. On March 2, following a reconnaissance flight, the California Disaster Air Response Team, after hastily arranging to have the contributed supplies massed at San Bernardino Community Hospital, initiated supply flights when a break in the storm offered sufficiently clear weather to operate. Two flights that day brought approximately one ton of cargo to the Mountains Community Hospital helipad on the mountain.
Meanwhile, in anticipation of executing a dozen or more such supply flights over the next several days as weather would permit, CalDART called upon one of its volunteer helicopter pilots, Micha Muzio, who resided in the San Bernardino Mountains and was thus familiar with the lay of the land and was thus knowledgeable about landing zones and capable of orienting out-of-the-area pilots to the mountain locations and terrain, to assist in the effort. Because the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department had imposed travel restrictions, however, Muzio was not able to come down off the mountain. Ultimately, Muzio at 3 a.m. on March 3, when he was able to get through the California Highway Patrol /sheriff’s department closure, Muzio made his way down to San Bernardino. That morning the California Disaster Aerial Response Team began what its volunteer members hoped would be an airlift effort in earnest. Because the Mountain Communities Hospital helipad was the location where other flights into the mountains – particularly those involving the belated flights of sheriff’s department helicopters – were to take place, CalDART, because it did not want to overwhelm the already swamped landing zone coordinator at Mountains Community Hospital with further complications, sought an alternative landing location, ultimately settling on using the Goodwin & Son’s Market parking lot, where a local volunteer, Zach Oliver, was on hand to provide crowd control.
A half hour past noon on March 3, however, the sheriff’s department ordered the California DART to stand down. Reports as to why that order was given were varied and contradictory. One report held that the declaration of the San Bernardino Mountains as a disaster zone resulted in an automatic suspension of flights over and to the area. Another version was that sheriff’s department officials were upset that a landing zone had been established in a town parking lot. Word spread among the hundreds of people who had come to the Goodwin’s Market parking lot, mostly by trudging several miles over the snow-covered landscape, that sheriff’s department commanders did not want their department to be upstaged by other entities in the provision of emergency services and supplies.
Many mountain residents experienced having their families separated or divided by the circumstance that grew out of the blizzard or a combination of the circumstance and restrictions imposed by the government. In hundreds of cases, individuals who were employed down the mountain and who routinely commuted to work in the morning and back home at night, found themselves trapped where they were when the roads were closed. Some workers thus were unable to return home and for days had to remain down the mountain, either overnighting at a hotel, motel or with family and friends and in other cases sleeping in their cars. Some people were unable to get down the mountain to get to work.
In multiple cases, husbands and wives were separated for days and in some cases for more than a week-and-a-half. In at least two cases, children ended up stranded at home without their parents. In one of those instances, a 12-year-old, i.e., a sixth grader, had to look after her siblings for three days before an adult made it back to the family home.
Later, after the opening of the main highways to the mountain communities but before any, many or most of the roads that lead off those main highways were cleared of snow by snowplows, some were able to make their way down into the valley below but were then unable to come back up the mountain. This led to mountain residents having to make what could be some very tough decisions. In some cases, mountain residents on the western side sojourned down on Highway 18 all the way to where the California Highway Patrol in conjunction with the sheriff had set up a barrier at Upper Old Waterman Canyon Road. Those who went south and below that barrier could drive to San Bernardino and beyond but would not be able to return north beyond the barrier. Large numbers of people elected to drive to the barrier, park off the road north of the barrier and then either walk down to a market in San Bernardino to pick up groceries and supplies or phone for family, friends or acquaintances they knew in that area to come up from or through San Bernardino to pick them up and take them to a store and then return them to the barrier. The distance from the barrier at Upper Waterman Canyon Road to the most common destination, the Stater Brothers Market on 40th Street in San Bernardino was 6.4 miles. Thus many mountain residents, to keep themselves in food and domestic supplies, needed to walk a distance of 12.8 miles, both down and up the San Bernardino Mountain foothills grade. The county did not offer a shuttle service from the barrier at the Highway 18/Upper Waterman Canyon Road junction down into San Bernardino and back.
Throughout much of their ordeal, Mountain residents found themselves coordinating their own neighborhood assistance efforts in an atmosphere that was absent any such assistance provided by the government. In the more remote areas, which county and state officials were unable to reach at all during the first week and in a majority of cases through to the end of the second week of the blizzard, elderly and less mobile residents were dependent upon their younger, more hardy, intrepid and daring neighbors who were willing to defy not only the elements but the authorities by venturing out to get supplies and return. The authorities, however, were less than fully accommodating of such efforts. In some cases, the Sentinel is told, individuals who made it to places where food was being distributed were informed that there were strict quotas on how much food they would be given. Even when those individuals told those distributing the food and supplies that they were there to pick supplies up for other households than their own, they would not be provided with anything beyond that amount in a single household quota. In multiple instances, this necessitated return trips to the points of distribution.
Unbeknownst to authorities, a relative handful of mountain residents with specially outfitted all-terrain vehicles were guardedly defying the travel restrictions placed upon the general public. Despite the road closures and barriers that were in place, some people were making trips back and forth between the mountain communities and San Bernardino, in some cases on a near daily – usually late at night or very early in the morning – basis. One such individual, who resides on the west side of the San Bernardino Mountains, was described to the Sentinel as having “a real talent for getting around things like that.” In his case, he managed to pick up food and supplies, including medicine and prescriptions, for over two dozen families/households.
Over the last two weeks, those individuals living in the mountain communities who were willing to defy the civil authorities, up to and including being arrested, to ensure that their family members and neighbors did not starve or were not forced to go without their medical prescriptions or life-sustaining provisions, even as those civil authorities were demonstrating their own inability to keeping the roads into and out of the community and lifelines they represented open, have at this point taken on the cachet of folk heroes, modern day Robin Hoods defying King John within the snow-covered confines of San Bernardino National Forest.
Logically, county officials placed a higher priority on clearing snow and ice from the major highways leading up to, between and into the mountain communities such as Highway 18, Highway 138, Highway 330 and Highway 138 and then moved onto the wider streets or roadways those Highways linked up with and then onto the narrower roads and streets that led to the more isolated, stand-alone neighborhoods. On March 3, Sheriff Dicus said, “[O]our state highways are like arteries. Then you go down to county roads, which are like veins, and you go to individual services and homes that are like capillaries. Those services and homes that people need to access are blocked by walls of snow. So, even though we’re making progress, we still have to knock down those walls, get peoples’ driveways cleared, get businesses cleared, and a number of things. We’re making huge strides in that area.”
Once things were coordinated, the county made fair progress toward opening the major highways and getting the streets and road immediately accessible to them cleared, though it areas such as Twin Peaks, Cedarpines Park, Cedar Glen and Valley of Enchantment, smaller roads are still blocked and have proven accessible only by means such as Snow Cats. In certain parts of Crestline, streets remained impassible for two solid weeks.
By the first week of March, accounts appearing in local, regional and national publications contained text or headlines suggesting that there were delays in the rendering of assistance to trapped or snowed-in residents or reports which were in some fashion critical of the quality of local government’s planning for or response to the storms. This prompted responses in which officials downplayed or denied such suggestions. Assemblyman Tom Lackey, whose district includes the San Bernardino Mountain communities, noted that the driving factor in what had occurred was the weather, which was beyond the ability of government to control. San Bernardino County Fire Chief Dan Munsey, while acknowledging that his agency and others were caught flatfooted at a certain, said no one could have anticipated that multiple weather systems stacked one upon the other would descend on the region in such short order. On March 8, Sheriff Dicus, piqued by the stinging criticism of his department and the team of the other county and state emergency responders of which he and his department were central parts, responded in an interview with the San Bernardino Sun in which he pointed out that the perception that enough wasn’t being done in reaction to the blizzard was a consequence of the consideration that his department was actively engaged in quiet but effective action rather than in a public relations gambit of flashily promoting and publicizing what it was doing and accomplishing.
“When we’re out there trying to do things, the last thing we are doing is taking pictures of us doing our job,” Dicus told Sun reporter Brian Rokos. Whatever delays that were occurring as a consequence of the persistence of ice and snow on the ground that came about as the result of sustained storm conditions, his department and the other agencies had provided, Dicus asserted to Rokos an “immediate… response… in terms of doing what’s important — protecting human life.”
In San Bernardino County, there has long been a culture and code by which criticism, valid or invalid, of the sheriff as a person and the sheriff’s department as an institution is considered heresy.
The Blizzard of ‘23 triggered a litany of such criticisms. Some of those stand as serious indictments of San Bernardino County officialdom.
Among the county’s sheriff’s deputies are ones who live in the San Bernardino Mountains. Some of those, however, expressed frustration with how the department had virtually no presence in that area during the first week of the Blizzard. When personnel in sufficient numbers reached those spots where they could do the most good, however, in many cases they lacked the equipment to be able to render the assistance they were there to provide. Twin Peaks, an unincorporated community of 2,826 people about four miles west south west from Lake Arrowhead and five miles east from Crestline, was the one location in the entirety of the county hardest hit by storm, with 786 calls for assistance, many of them desperate, having come in between February 22 and March 3. In reaction, the sheriff’s department by March 2 had temporarily transferred 15 of its personnel to Twin Peaks. Yet only one of the eight Snow Cats that were available to the sheriff’s department and fire department, was on location in Twin Peaks. Tracked vehicles that are not dependent upon wheels to motivate, Snow Cats have proven to be the one means of transportation that can function efficiently on the mountain terrain in the aftermath of the blizzard.
Three days into the blizzard, the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department offered to provide 25 equipped personnel to assist with relief, supply and rescue operations. San Bernardino County turned that offer down.
As the storm conditions continued and worsened, many of those impacted residents and those informed outsiders who were on hand to see what was going on and how San Bernardino County officials were flailing in their efforts to get a grip on the situation did not remain silent.
After the Sheriff’s Department ordered the California Disaster Airlift Response Team to stand down in the very early afternoon of March 3, the stockpiles of donated food, propane and domestic supplies continued to pour into the holding place at San Bernardino Community Hospital, from which it was to be loaded into helicopters and flown to the mountaintop. But because of the stand down order, that day’s flight time, during which the clouds had thinned, making flights into Crestline and other locations would have been possible, were squandered. Mountain residents, who had previously been told that supplies were to continue to come their way via CalDART helicopters that day, found themselves waiting in vain for flights that never arrived. When those who had hiked, in many cases five, six or seven miles in the snow to Goodwin & Son’s Market with the expectation of getting rations to sustain them for several more days, were told that the sheriff’s department had ordered the discontinuation of the flights, many became livid. By late that afternoon, sheriff’s department dispatch switchboards were overloaded with calls from residents demanding explanations, accusing Dicus and his executive staff of having a laissez-faire attitude toward crucial issues of life and death and pleading for a rescission of the stand down order. Simultaneously a group of residents reached out to California Governor Gavin Newsom’s office, with some of those saying that if the declaration of the San Bernardino County Mountain Districts as a disaster area indeed carried with it an automatic and blanket suspension of civilian flights over and into the area, the governor should at once waive that provision of the declaration to allow the fights to continue.
With the convoys of trucks and other vehicles escorted by the sheriff’s department, the county fire department and the county public works department succeeding at that point of merely putting a dent into the supply deficit in the mountain communities and the affected population growing more irate by the minute, the sheriff’s department relented, allowing the CalDART to resume deliveries, pursuant to the face-saving requirements that those landings take place at the Mountain Community Hospital helipad or an alternate landing site of a field adjoining a local school under the condition that two ground observers with safety vests and radios allowing them to communicate with the pilots be present at the landing zones when the helicopters set down.
Flights resumed, such that the California Disaster Airlift Response Team had succeeded in bringing in a total of a tone-and-a-half of supplies. On March 4 and March 5. however, the weather, consisting primarily of dense clouds around the landing site, shut down the aviation operations. With the accumulation of supplies at San Bernardino Community Hospital but no immediately readable means of transporting them, CalDART’s management arranged to move the mountain relief operation base from San Bernardino Community Hospital Helipad to San Bernardino International Airport, while simultaneously seeking to recruit as many of the organization’s pilots and helicopters as were available to get the supplies to their delivery destination as rapidly as possible when the next break in the weather allowed that to take place, before any further bureaucratic obstruction to the effort could manifest.
On Tuesday, March 6, clouds on the mountains continued to limit how many flights could be made. California Disaster Airlift Team members, however, were lining up two Robinson 44, two H125 and one each 600N, 407, 145, EC125 and a 206L4 model helicopters, along with a total of ten pilots to begin a cargo transportation effort in earnest, weather permitting. Muzio gave those pilots a crash course on the landing sites, the lay of the land around them and other geographical and aeronautical peculiarities of the mountain district.
On March 7, with Ron Lovick, a retired Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department helicopter pilot, serving as the CalDART incident commander, intensive operations in the face of relatively clear skies began, with nine flights carrying 7,218 pounds of supplies that day. The next day, March 8, the California Disaster Airlift R Team conducted 13 flights, carrying roughly 7,100 pounds of cargo up to the mountaintop.
At that point, with substantial ground transportation having been reestablished and nine of the ten pilots recruited for effort and eight of the nine helicopters that were at the ready having been utilized, what had been dubbed Operation Mountain Strong was halted after a total of 37 flights carrying roughly 21,000 pounds of supplies to their destinations in the mountains.
In the same timeframe, the effort to clear the San Bernardino Mountain road system was progressing slowly, hampered by snowdrifts as high as 10 feet in some areas. Repeatedly, the depth of those drifts completely covered and obscured vehicles parked along the side of roads, and there were recurrent instances of the snowplows hitting them. For that reason and other complications narrower and less-traveled roads off the beaten track in more remote areas were not and have not yet been cleared. Additionally, roads not maintained by the county have been in virtually all cases been ignored.
With the county effort in that regard having come up short, a call went out to Dave “Heavy D” Sparks and Dave “Diesel Dave” Kiley, two of the so-called Diesel Brothers, for assistance. The Diesel Brothers are the prominent characters in an eponymous reality show that follows the activity of a group of 20-to-40 year-olds from Utah who modify, drive, operate and otherwise utilize pick-up trucks, off-road vehicles and heavy equipment. Sparks and Kiley were persuaded to bring snowplows and snowblowers to the San Bernardino Mountains to clear roads and streets in the rustic, snow-covered residential and lesser-populated areas of the district. They did, accompanied by a film crew that documented much of what they were doing. In the course of their filming, they made inroads on the problems local mountain residents were facing.
There were reports that some San Bernardino officials, including those in both the sheriff’s department and the fire department, were not, exactly, overjoyed at the presence of the Diesel Brothers in the San Bernardino Mountains. This discomfiture was based less upon concern that they might interfere with the county and state road clearing effort than upon the prospect that the reality show performers would steal the glory from the county and state government effort to alleviate the problem with impassible roads. Though the sheriff’s department could have used its authority to prevent the Diesel Brothers from engaging in the activity it did by ordering to desist because of potential interference with the county emergency response effort, it reportedly elected not to do so for four reasons. The first was that the entertainers might actually prove effective at clearing several of the roads in the area. The second was that the department did not want to risk the negative publicity that shutting down a television crew with a national following might generate. The third was that doing so might draw attention to the previous decision, in the initial days of the blizzard, to turn down the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department’s offer of assistance. The fourth was that it was Rowe who had invited the Diesel Brothers to work their magic on the mountaintop.
“I was responsible for getting Heavy D Sparks and the Diesel Brothers out when we realized that the snow volume was greater than anything we had equipment for,” Rowe said at the March 14 board of supervisors meeting. “Heavy D and the Diesel Brothers, who live in the Utah area, had equipment that was specialized for those large snow responses and they mobilized within hours and came down. Our incident commander, Chief Munsey, was able to inject them into the team and have them help our residents.”
It is not altogether clear whether Rowe recognized the full implication of, first, her action in bringing the Diesel Brothers in to undertake an assignment normally left to the county’s traditional team of public safety/public service/public works functionaries, which includes the sheriff as a key, indeed the primary, member nor of her call for Hernandez to carry out a review of the performance of that same team of functionaries. What is clear is that by her action, Rowe has created a degree of tension between the board of supervisors, the body which is by the terms of the county charter the dominant political entity within the county governmental hierarchy, and the sheriff, who in reality is practically, historically and by tradition the dominant political entity within the county governmental hierarchy, not seen for nearly two decades.
Certainly, the challenge to Sheriff Dicus’s implicit authority issued by Rowe with her call on Tuesday for an investigation of the performance of the county’s first responders is not as pointed nor direct as the challenge the entire board of supervisors issued to then-Sheriff Gary Penrod in 2002. Nevertheless, she has crossed a line whereby she has asserted her authority – and by extension the authority of the entire board of supervisors – as being co-equal to or perhaps even exceeding that of Dicus.
The board of supervisors’ 2002 challenge of Penrod – and that of the office of sheriff, generally – did not end particularly well for the supervisors. It is yet to be seen how much damage might be visited upon Rowe and her board colleagues over what she touched off this week.
In July 2002, the board of supervisors – then composed of Bill Postmus, Jon Mikels, Dennis Hansberger, Fred Aguiar and Jerry Eaves – adopted an ordinance empowering itself, as a body, to reprimand and remove all county officers, including the county treasurer, county assessor, the district attorney and the sheriff. The ordinance gave the board the authority to reprimand and, pursuant to a four-fifths or unanimous vote of all five of its members, to remove from office any elected county official other than a supervisor for a stated cause upon first providing the officeholder to be removed a written statement of the alleged grounds for such removal, and giving the official a reasonable opportunity to be heard in the way of explanation or defense of that action or actions.
Penrod, as the sheriff, filed a lawsuit challenging the validity of the ordinance and seeking an injunction against its enforcement. After the San Bernardino County Superior Court granted a preliminary injunction against the ordinance as it was drafted, the board of supervisors adopted a redrafted ordinance which omitted the reprimand provision but retained the removal provision, adding language to clarify that the ordinance could not be applied to interfere with the independent and constitutional and statutory investigative and prosecutorial functions of the sheriff and the district attorney.
After Penrod filed a first amended complaint in June 2003, the granted the county board of supervisors’ motion for summary judgment, finding the removal provision to be constitutional and valid. Penrod appealed that decision, but the California, Fourth District Court of Appeal, Division Two in Riverside in 2005 upheld the lower court decision that the ordinance was constitutional and valid.
While the board of supervisors prevailed with regard to sustaining the ordinance, it paid a rather steep political price.
Less than a year after the ordinance was passed, Mikels was voted out of office, replaced by Paul Biane. That was the end of Mikels’ political career.
In 2003, for reasons unrelated to the ordinance, Aguiar left the board of supervisors to go to work in the governor’s office. He was replaced by his wife, who voted as supervisor to seek to continue to defend against Penrod’s lawsuit and sustain the ordinance. She did not seek to remain in office in the following year’s election. From that point forward, the Aguiars have found themselves out of elective politics.
In 2004, Eaves, despite being one of Penrod’s political allies, was convicted of violating state conflict of interest laws and resigned from office. That ended his political career.
While Hansberger survived the 2004 election, in 2008 he was voted out of office.
In 2009, Postmus, who had left the board of supervisors to successfully seek the position of county assessor in 2006, was forced to resign from office. That was the end of his political career. He was charged criminally with regard to his action in office while assessor in 2009 and in 2010 was charged with crimes relating to his time in office while supervisor. In 2011, he was convicted on 14 felony counts.
In 2010, Biane, who upon being elected to the board of supervisors in 2002 had supported the county’s defense against Penrod’s suit and the effort to sustain the ordinance giving the board of supervisors the authority to remove the sheriff from office, was voted out of office. That was the end of his political career. In 2011 he was indicted. He went to trial on the political corruption charges that had been lodged against him in the 2011 indictment and was, after a nearly eight-months-long trial, acquitted.
On Tuesday, both Supervisor Joe Baca Jr. and Supervisor Curt Hagman sought to signal, subtly, there disavowal of the action Rowe had taken in ordering Hernandez to carry out the inquiry into the county’s handling of the Blizzard response.
The call for the examination was not made on a vote of the entire board but was rather ordered up by Rowe pursuant to her authority as board chairman. The prospect of the entire board endorsing an investigation into the performance of the county’s public safety divisions, in particular the sheriff’s department, would appear doubtful.
Baca tried to be diplomatic about it.
“I want to thank Madam Chair Rowe for her leadership on the response to the mountain community,” he said, avoiding saying anything which might be construed as support for the inquiry she had called for. He then emphasized his belief that the county’s response to the mountain blizzard was more than adequate.
“We’ve done a great job, and all of our team members have done a great job,” he said. “Number one has been safety of the residents, making sure our mountain residents are safe. I know it was a very challenging, a very trying, time for many people. I want to thank those for their patience. I saw our staff committed. They were boxing dry goods for our residents. They were working frantically to make sure our residents were taken care of. I just want to thank all our employees for the County of San Bernardino, their commitment and dedication in the public service to all of our residents. They did a great job.”
Hagman said he had personally witnessed “both our administrative and public safety teams, so many different agencies that came out, the mutual aid system, Chief Munsey, Sheriff Dicus and other departments were a part of making sure that every resource that we had [and] were requesting and other things to get up the mountain to work this once-in-the-history type of event. A lot of people are praising the county — and they should — and a lot of people are second-guessing a lot of things, but to respond to a natural disaster like the way our team did, it just makes us proud that we are doing everything.”
Hagman credited the county’s public safety employees with working “a hundred hours a week. I’m just very proud of the response. Each time there’s a new disaster about this county we rise to the occasion and take care of it as best we can.”
The Sentinel sought to engage with Sheriff Dicus with regard to the perception that the county’s public safety divisions, first responders and those involved in assisting the mountain community residents in the face of the blizzard had failed to coordinate adequately and in a timely manner with the myriad volunteers who had offered their assistance.
Mara Rodriguez, the sheriff’s department’s public information officer told the Sentinel, “The Sheriff is not available. However, I can provide you some information about the efforts by the volunteer group to provide food and supplies during the storm. The group was very successful in getting supplies together to aid those in the mountain communities during the February/March storm. The initial issue was a helicopter was attempting to land at a location that was already in use for other public aid. The sheriff’s department aided in securing a safe and workable landing area at a mountain hospital so that the supplies could be utilized by those on the mountain. Also, an additional landing point was secured for additional supplies to be brought in, this time at a school field. The efforts and supplies from these volunteers were not denied. We recognize the importance of community members helping community members and appreciate all the efforts made.”