Sheriff’s Department Releases Video & Audio Compilation Of Graziano Pursuit & Shootout

By Mark Gutglueck
Newly released video and audio recordings of the September 27, 2022 shootout between sheriff’s deputies and Anthony John Graziano reveal that Graziano’s 15-year-old daughter, Savannah, was attempting to surrender when she was killed in a hail a gunfire. In response to a California Public Records Act request by documentary maker and photojournalist Joey Scott, the sheriff’s department released the recordings on March 29, 2024, more than 18 months after the deadly encounter at the side of the I-15 Freeway.
The department maintains that the delay in making the videos available to the public was due in part to a ransomware attack by Russian gangsters in the spring of 2023, some six months after the incident.
The recordings shed new light on the circumstances of Savannah Graziano’s death and appear to conflict with the official version of events offered by the department in the immediate aftermath of the shooting.
Different law enforcement agencies were involved in the events leading up to the shooting, and there were conflicting versions of the initial events, including the murder of John Graziano’s estranged wife/Savannah Graziano’s mother, which occurred early in the events that unfolded over the course of September 26th and 27th, 2022. This confusion was compounded by the consideration that only limited video footage of the violence was available because the department had not met Sheriff Shannon Dicus earlier-stated timetable of outfitting his deputies with body cameras by the end of 2021.
In June 2022, John Graziano, 45, was living in the area of Fontana with his wife, Tracy Martinez, 45, their 15-year-old daughter, Savannah, and their 11-year-old son, Caleb. Over the course of the summer, the couple became estranged and Graziano moved out of the family home, taking Savannah with him. In the weeks thereafter, father and daughter lived out of Graziano’s white 1997 Nissan Frontier pickup truck, sometimes staying motels or camping out in local parks.

At about 7:30 a.m. on Monday, September 26, a parent of a child who attends Cypress Elementary School in Fontana phoned in a 9-1-1 report of a shooting. Several other children, some as young as five years old, also witnessed the shooting while walking to school with their parents.
Witnesses said that Graziano, driving a white 2017 Nissan Frontier pickup truck bearing California license plates 44305G2, fired six to twelve shots at a minivan driven by his estranged wife, Tracy Martinez. The minivan veered off into the curb on Cypress Avenue near Mallory Drive and came to an abrupt halt.
According to witnesses, Graziano then made a U-turn, drove back toward the minivan, and exited his vehicle. As he approached, Martinez bolted from the disabled minivan. Graziano opened fire with a handgun, striking Martinez as she fled. Stray bullets also struck several nearby vehicles, some of them occupied by children on their way to school. Martinez fell to the ground. Graziano approached and pumped at least two more shots into her from close range. He then calmly returned to his vehicle and drove off.
The Fontana Police Department responded to a call of shots fired in the vicinity of Cypress Elementary School. Martinez was found alive but barely conscious and was able to identify Graziano as her assailant. She was transported to a local trauma center, where she was pronounced dead.
An all-points bulletin was issued for Graziano.
Graziano and Martinez had a son together, and Graziano had a son from a previous relationship. Both were located and were determined to be okay and not involved or knowledgeable about the shooting.
An Amber Alert was issued for Graziano’s daughter, Savannah, who was, according to one eyewitness, seated in Graziano’s pickup truck when the Martinez shooting occurred, and was possibly being held against her will.
Law enforcement communications relating to Graziano and his daughter throughout the ordeal, contained multiple points of contradiction. One such discrepancy was that Graziano had encountered Savannah walking down the street shortly after the shooting occurred, despite a witness having stated that the girl had been in the Nissan Frontier at the time the shooting of Martinez had occurred. Word circulated, never verified, that Graziano was hiding in an area straddling the municipal and unincorporated county area of Fontana. It was on the basis of the unverified report that Savannah had been taken against her will or kidnapped that triggered the Amber Alert.
Graziano remained at large for more than 24 hours, but at about 10:25 a.m. Tuesday September 27, two 911 calls were made to the San Bernardino County’s Desert Dispatch Center from an employee at the Pilot Travel Center, known as Store 200, at 5725 Highway 58, near what is referred to as Kramer Junction and or Boron. The employee made a first response to the Amber Alert with his first call and in his second call shortly thereafter reported seeing both Savannah and the 2017 Nissan Frontier pickup truck and that Savannah had purchased two sodas inside the store. He further reported that one of the fuel station’s customers had reported to him that the Nissan Frontier pickup truck matched the vehicle in the Amber Alert. While the caller in his first call apparently reported that the father and daughter had headed south on Highway 395, in his second call he reported that they had “faked” taking that route and had “turned around” to head east on Highway 58 toward Barstow. The video compilation provided to Scott showed a portion of the internal security video at the Kramer Junction Pilot Travel Center during which Savannah Graziano is seen coming to the sales counter, while a portion of the audio of the store clerk’s second call is heard.
Informed that Graziano was heading east on Highway 58, a dispatcher sought assistance from the Highway Patrol but was told the state agency did not have any immediate resources in the area. Thereafter, a sheriff’s deputy spotted the Nissan Frontier traveling at a speed approaching 100 miles per hour near Lenwood, whereupon Graziano departed Highway 58 to the southbound I-15. Given Graziano’s speed, it took deputies a bit of time to catch up with him, at which point Graziano began shooting at his pursuers. Highway Patrol and sheriff’s department helicopters were en route but had not reached the area. One of the pursuing deputies reported to dispatch that at that point Graziano was traveling in excess of 113 miles per hour. As more sheriff’s vehicles came into the pursuit, while Graziano was yet southbound on the I-15, more shots were fired and multiple sheriff’s vehicles were strafed with gunfire, with at least one being struck in the windshield and one veering off into the desert next to the freeway. A Highway Patrol helicopter arrived over the pursuit just as it was reaching the area south of the Wildwash Road exit from the I-15.
The video provided to Scott included footage shot from the Highway Patrol helicopter shows Graziano’s Nissan Frontier passing freeway traffic while he was driving at a speed somewhere between 20 and 30 miles an hour faster than the southbound traffic it is encountering in front of it, as Graziano repeatedly uses the right shoulder of the freeway to drive around those vehicles.
Video footage taken from the CHP helicopter shows that a sheriff’s vehicle had been placed crosswise in the middle of the three southbound lanes just north of an exit from the I-15 in order to create a makeshift roadblock. Behind this barrier two large semi-trucks, a somewhat smaller truck and eight vehicles had come to a stop and another vehicle was slowing when Graziano’s vehicle arrived. Graziano swung to the right to bypass the roadblock, using the right shoulder of the roadway.
As Graziano continued southbound on I-15, approaching the north Stoddard Wells Road exit, a deputy reported additional shots fired, this time from the passenger side window. Seconds later, the CHP helicopter also reported shots fired from the passenger side window.
The day after the incident, on September 28, 2022, Sheriff Dicus said, “Our specialized detectives processed the scene throughout the night, and provided me a briefing this morning. Based on the information, evidence suggests that Savannah Graziano was a participant in shooting at our deputies.”
While the pursuit was continuing south toward Victorville, a motorist just south of Palmdale Road captured video of the truck passing him and firing several shots at deputies. According to the department, that motorist’s vehicle was struck by gunfire from Graziano’s vehicle. When the driver was interviewed after the incident, he said he believed the gunfire came from the passenger side window and that the gun was “leaning out” He attributed the shooting of the gun to the passenger “It must have been someone else because someone was still driving the truck,” he said.
The narrator of the video compilation released to journalist Joey Scott on March 29 stated,it is important to note that the statement of this witness and a deputy over the radio that shots were fired from the passenger window is an indication of what may have happened, not confirmation. This aspect of the investigation is still under investigation.”
The pursuit continued through Victorville and into Hesperia, concluding when Graziano attempted to exit the freeway going against traffic onto the freeway entrance at Main Street in Hesperia, a point at which at least a half dozen sheriff’s deputies in their vehicles were positioned.
The video compilation released to Scott includes a portion of video footage taken from another motorist’s dashcam video of the events immediately leading to that point. That video’s audio recording captures the sounds of Graziano firing upon various vehicles and fire being returned at Graziano’s truck.
In his effort to exit the I-15, Graziano pulled over to the west, that is right, side of the freeway and then made a radical u-turn to head up the winding slope of the freeway on-ramp to get to Main Street. Encountering a fusillade of gunfire, which discouraged him from seeking to continue the wrong way up the on-ramp, he attempted to drive up the unpaved embankment onto Main Street, losing traction as the truck was in the process of surmounting the very steep three or four-feet leading to Main Street. The vehicle then rolled backward down the embankment toward the I-15. At that point, it is unclear but possible that Graziano had been severely injured or perhaps even mortally wounded by the gunfire being trained on his truck. The truck came to a stop near the side of the freeway, roughly 40 feet from the first of two sheriff’s vehicles that were in pursuit of Graziano southbound on the freeway which had pulled to the side when he made his u-turn maneuver in an effort to leave the freeway. Just as the Nissan Frontier was coming to a complete stop, Savannah exited the vehicle.
The video compilation provided to Scott includes video footage taken from a sheriff’s department helicopter that had arrived over the Main Street intersection with the freeway.
According to the narrator of the video compilation, when Savannah exited from the passenger side of the vehicle, she was wearing tactical gear and a helmet.
On September 28, 2022, Sheriff Dicus had described the tactical gear as “a plate carrier on front and [a] tactical helmet.” At that time, Dicus had described the teen as “running toward the deputies” just before she was shot. Furthermore, Dicus and other members of the department said it had not been determined whether Savannah Graziano was shot by deputies or if she had been shot by her father. Dicus further claimed, on September 28, 2022, the deputies did not realize it was Savannah who had gotten out of the Nissan Frontier.
The video released to Scott, however, shot as it is from the distance and angle of an overhead helicopter, does not provide sufficient resolution to make a determination as to whether Savannah Graziano was wearing tactical gear or a helmet. If, indeed, she was so attired, that would beget certain questions, in particular, what sort of gunshot wounds she sustained that led to her death, as the front plate armor and helmet would, presumably, have protected her, to some degree, from head shots and torso shots. The information released to Scott did not include the coroner’s report. The video compilation narrator did, however, state that, “Both Graziano and Savannah were struck by deputy rounds and died of their injuries.”
The 18-month delay in the release of the video footage that brought some of the sheriff’s September 28, 2022 assertions into question has created something of a firestorm on social media, with several observers suggesting that even if Dicus’s statements made the day after the shooting were the product of his ignorance at that time and reflected his sincere beliefs, the department’s refusal to release the footage of the shooting in the days, weeks and months since then evinced an effort by the department to mislead the public.
The video shot from the sheriff’s department helicopter depicts Graziano’s pickup rolling back toward the freeway, at which time the pilot or observer in the helicopter can be heard reporting that gunfire is taking place. After the pickup reaches the shoulder of the freeway, it ends its backward progression and, its momentum toward the freeway petering out, begins to roll back toward the slope, a potential indication that Graziano is completely incapacitated. Just before the vehicle comes to a complete rest with its front driver’s side tire on the dirt beside the shoulder, Savannah Graziano gets out of the pickup on the passenger side of the vehicle, which is closest to the roadway, as the driver’s side of the vehicle is more proximate to the sloping embankment down which the pickup had just descended backwards. She begins to move away from the truck, going roughly ten feet to its side, yet on the paved shoulder of the freeway where she either crouches deeply down or has gone to her hands and knees. The sheriff’s department helicopter pilot or observer can be heard saying, just about two seconds after she emerged from the pickup, “The girl’s out.” She then appears to be moving into a prone position, when roughly three seconds after she began her crouch, it appears as if gunshots or a gunshot has been directed very near her, as dust from the ground just behind her is being kicked up. The helicopter pilot or observer, perhaps in reaction to the gunfire toward her, repeats more firmly, “Alright, the girl’s out, guys. The female juvie is out. She got out on the passenger side.” Roughly nine seconds after she had crouched down, she starts to stand up, and with her body yet hunched over, she begins toward the closest deputy, who is crouched down beside the front driver’s side wheel of his patrol car, which is roughly 35 to 40 feet from the now still Nissan Frontier. The girl makes forward progress of only a few feet before she again goes into what appears to be a full crouch, a position she holds for roughly a second before she rises again into a partial crouch and begins moving with purpose toward the deputy. As a voice over the radio is heard saying, “Does anyone else have eyes in the vehicle to see if there are any other passengers inside…,” she takes six or seven strides toward the deputy and is roughly 15 feet from him, at which point, there is a simultaneous eruption of audible gunfire. Her image on the video is purposely electronically blurred, an indication that she was successfully targeted in the salvos. The helicopter observer can be heard, the lament in his voice apparent, “Ahh, no.” The last utterance from the helicopter video, after Savannah has fallen, is, “Guys, watch your backdrop for across freeway traffic. Watch your crossfire guys.”
The video compilation provided to Scott also includes the recording of the deputy closest to Savannah when she emerged from her father’s pickup.
In that recording after a volley of at least 27 gunshots, the deputy can be heard saying, “Passenger, get out! Passenger, get out! Passenger, get out!” rapidly followed by “Get out! Get out! Get out! Passenger, get out! Get out!” With constant gunshots yet being heard, the deputy commands, “Come here! Come here! Come here! Come here! Hey! Hey! Hey!” Then he says, “Come here! Come to me! Come to me. Come to me! Come to me! Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk! Walk!”
Then, in apparent reaction to the shots being fired at Savannah, he shouts, “Hey! Stop!” There are the sounds of four further shots being fired. “Stop shooting her!” the deputy yells. “He’s in the car! She’s okay. He’s in the car. Stop.”
According to the narrator of the video compilation released to Scott, “You can hear him [the deputy] calling her over and telling other deputies that the person who exited the truck was the passenger and for them to stop firing, but it was too late.”
The combination of the helicopter video and the belt recorder audio makes a convincing showing that Savannah Graziano was complying with the deputy’s instructions and was not advancing aggressively on that deputy or any of the at least six deputies at varying distances behind him when she was shot.
The sheriff’s department officially maintained in the days and weeks following the shooting that Savannah had joined with her father in the firearm attacks upon the deputies in the prelude to her death and that right up to the point of being mortally wounded, she was exhibiting a potentially deadly intent toward the deputies. The deputies firing upon her, the department suggested in 2022, mistook her for her father.
In a number of respects, the department’s release of the compilation of the video snippets and audio recordings, undercuts accusations that have been leveled against the department to the effect that it was engaging in deliberate misrepresentations, hiding implicative evidence of negligence, wanton disregard or wrongdoing on the part of its deputies or engaging in a cover-up. Indeed, the video entails the revelation of several heretofore unknown factors and events in what occurred, including details that are both complimentary to and less than flattering of the several involved deputies’ performances. Nevertheless, the 18-month delay in the release of the videos, audio recordings and materials has fueled speculation and outright accusations that the department was engaged in a selective presentation of facts and what are actual or tantamount to prevarications to avoid revelations regarding questionable or improper actions on the part of department members.
Scott filed his Public Records Act request for the production of materials in the department’s posession relating to the shoot-out with Graziano on September 29, 2022, a full 18 months to the day prior to the department making the materials available. Of note is that in San Bernardino County, the sheriff’s department in 2005 subsumed the previously independent coroner’s office. Moreover, in San Bernardino County, the sheriff’s department is given charge over any investigations relating to shootings by law enforcement personnel that take place within the county, after which findings from those investigations are delivered to the district attorney’s office, which makes a determination as to whether the shootings are to be deemed a legally justifiable use of force. In only one case involving the shooting of a citizen by an on-duty law enforcement officer since 1982 did the district attorney come to a determination that a prosecution against an officer was warranted. There has been deep criticism of the circumstance that allows one branch of the sheriff’s office – the coroner’s division – to carry out the forensic determinations with regard to the deadly actions of another branch of the sheriff’s department. The case of Savannah Graziano’s death involved several department higher-ups, including the sheriff himself, suggesting she was killed by bullets fired from her father’s gun. It was coroner’s division employees, who are hired by and serve at the pleasure of the sheriff himself, who retrieved the bullets which killed Savannah Graziano from her corpse. It was members of the sheriff’s department scientific analysis division who were charged with ascertaining from whose guns those bullets were fired. That the department temporized until last week in releasing that information when it was available as long ago as early October of 2022 is seen by some as an effort by Dicus and the department to withhold pertinent information from the public, information that would have been available much earlier if the scientific investigations laboratory and the coroner’s office were operated under an individual or entity other than the sheriff and his department.
Relatively early on, that is, on September 28, 2022, the sheriff’s department surrendered responsibility for the investigation into the shootout to the California Department of Justice. The sheriff’s department retained control over the coroner’s and other forensic examinations of the evidence, as well as the records and materials documenting what had taken place.
The sheriff’s department exacerbated the perception that it is controlling the ebb and flow of information that is calculated more to serve the reputation of the sheriff’s department than the principle of transparent governance when it cited an event that occurred in March or early April of 2023 – the hacking of the sheriff’s department computer system – to explain why all of the material requested by Scott in his California Public Records Act request and certain of the materials needed by the California Department of Justice to carry out its investigation had not been provided in a timely manner.
Under the California Records Act, governmental entities or agencies have ten business days to respond to such requests and can take an additional 21 days in fulfilling such requests if the production of the requested records, materials or documents presents a clerical challenge. Thus, the department should have been forthcoming with the materials that Scott had requested no later than a date in late October 2022.
Additionally, California’s police transparency statutes, extending to both Senate Bill 1421 and Assembly Bill 748, passed in 2018, mandate the disclosure of records related to police shootings along with information pertaining to the use of force and any information regarding the death or injury of an individual at the hands of a law enforcement officer to be released in a reasonably short time after the involved agency’s conclusion of its own internal investigation of such incidents.
More significantly still, the California Department of Justice has yet to complete its inquiry into the Graziano matter. And while there is no realistic expectation that state investigators with either the California Attorney General’s Office, the state police or the Highway Patrol will churn up any evidence of substantial, substantive or specific wrongdoing on the part of any of the deputies or supervisors caught up in Anthony Graziano’s homicidal rampage, it appears that the sheriff’s department withheld some of the information in its possession from those investigators.
The hijacking of the sheriff’s department’s computer system took place in the very late winter or early spring of 2023, at least five months after the shootout with Graziano. The department did not pass the relevant information or materials in its possession along to Scott or the California State Police/California District Attorney’s Office throughout that duration, and it now is asserting that it has not been able to recover at least some of those materials despite having paid to the Russian mobsters who commandeered the computer data $1.1 million in April 2023 for its return. No explanation has been given as to why there was another ten to 11 month delay in making the materials available after the department was again given access to its own files by the Russian hackers.
Despite Sheriff Dicus saying on September 28, 2022, that the department was carrying out an intense examination to ascertain whether Savannah Graziano fired a weapon at the pursuing deputies during the Nissan Frontier’s progression from the area near Lenwood to its final destination in Hesperia, the department maintains that it has yet to arrive at a final conclusion as to this question. This lack of clarity exists despite simple chemical tests that could have been performed upon Savannah Graziano’s person to determine whether she had powder burns on her arms, hands, neck or face or, if she was fully clothed, whether those clothes exhibited concentrations of gunpowder residue consistent with her having fired any of the several guns alleged to have been present in the cab of the Nissan Frontier.
The department has for some time sustained adverse publicity over its unwillingness or inability or both to provide video evidence to back up its claim that the action its deputies took in dealing with the deranged Graziano was justified. There had been an assumption the department would be able to marshal evidence to show the deputies acted reasonably throughout the ordeal, which was assumed to exist in the form of bodyworn videos shot from the perspective of the pursuing officers and, especially, the ones who had been involved in the firefight near the Main Street exit on the shoulder of the 15 Freeway. That expectation was a product of Dicus’s assertion, early in his tenure as sheriff, that the entirety of his department’s sworn personnel would be outfitted with bodyworn cameras by December 2021.
Dicus was appointed sheriff to succeed John McMahon in July 2021, following McMahon’s decision to retire before completing his second elected term as sheriff. Dicus stood for election in 2022 in his own right and proved victorious in the June 2022 primary election. One of the key elements of Dicus’s ultimate electoral victory was his verbal commitment to departmental transparency. Bolstering that commitment was a previous promise, made shortly after his appointment in the Summer of 2021, that by that year’s end his department would iron out certain technical glitches that existed with the bodyworn camera systems that the county had invested in so that all of the department’s deputies would be videoing from their perspective their activity in the field and their encounters with the public in general and both criminal suspects and arrestees specifically. Dicus said that the bodyworn camera system would be up and running no later than December, 2021.
It turned out, despite Dicus’s expressed anticipation and the assumption that the cameras were functioning as of the end of 2021, the bodyworn cameras were not up and running. Accordingly, the video footage that might very well have shown what the deputies were dealing with in confronting Graziano and that they had acted reasonably given the entirety of the circumstance does not exist.
In the face of the accusations or insinuations that the department, in the immediate aftermath of the shootout, had engaged in misrepresentations relating to Savannah’s participation in the running gun battle between her father and deputies in order to justify her shooting death, Sheriff Dicus turned the tables on his department’s critics, implying or stating that they were the ones who were playing fast and loose with the truth, making assumptions and jumping to conclusions that are not warranted by the facts of the case.
“My hope is that this video will be watched in its entirety and provide insight into the unfortunate events that unfolded that day,” Dicus said with regard to the video compilation which is now in the public domain. “There has been speculation and misrepresentations about this case, and I would ask the public to allow the Department of Justice to complete its independent investigation before reaching a conclusion.”
The timing of the release, on March 29, came during a particularly problematic month for the sheriff’s department. Over a period of less than three weeks, beginning on March 9, there was a rash of no fewer than four use-of-force incidents involving the department’s deputies, including three that resulted in the deaths of civilians.
On March 9, Ryan Gainer, a 15-year-old resident of Apple Valley was shot in the torso what is believed to be three times by a deputy as the youth wielded a bladed garden hoe and galloped toward another deputy who had arrived at the Gainer Family home at 13494 Iroquois Road in response to calls for assistance by a member of the Gainer family. Young Gainer was experiencing what has been represented as “an autistic episode,” during which he assaulted one of his sisters and broke a window and was threatening others with a glass shard after having been disciplined by his parents. He was pronounced dead upon being transported to a local hospital.
On March 19, a Rancho Cucamonga man, Mohd Hijaz, 32, died after he was slammed to the pavement in a confrontation with San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies.
Members of the department had been called to the 10100 block of Foothill Boulevard, just east of the Foothill/Hermosa Avenue intersection, following a report by a nearby resident that an individual, later determined to be Hijaz, was acting erratically, seeking to open apartment and vehicle doors, and that he had pulled the building’s fire alarm. After locating Hijaz “seated in a bush” and yelling incoherently, deputies reported that Hijaz without warning advanced toward them and refused multiple commands to stop, striking one deputy in the face. According to the department, “a use of force occurred” and Hijaz was transported to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead.
On March 23 in Hesperia, deputies shot and killed 52-year-old Keith Vinyard after deputies, in apparent response to a domestic violence warrant for Vinyard’s arrest, engaged in a vehicle chase in which he attempted to escape and was driving recklessly. After the pursuit ended within the vicinity of the 15400 block of Halinor Street, according to the sheriff’s department, Vinyard refused to comply with commands made by a deputy, whom Vinyard threatened to shoot. While it is unclear whether Vinyard actually possessed a gun, the department claims he armed himself with a “large metal object” as other deputies arrived on scene, at which point, at around 9:50 p.m., he was fatally shot.
On March 26, sheriff’s deputies effected the arrest of Christian Cardenas Alonso, a 36-year-old proprietor of a Hesperia tattoo parlor and a resident of Adelanto, whom the department said was involved in an armed robbery two days previously. A video of the arrest, which took place near the corner of Main Street and E Avenue, was made by a passerby. That video depicts at first three deputies and then a fourth deputy grappling with Alonso, who is face down on the pavement next to his vehicle, with the deputies kneeling at various angles on and over him. At several points, Alonso’s head is being scraped or raked with force against the pavement. Throughout the ordeal, which involves both uniformed deputies and a plainclothes officer, Alonso sustains repeated blows to his head.
The plain-clothed deputy is seen kneeing Alonzo three times with a moderate degree of force. After a fourth deputy approaches and starts to take part in the melee, the plain-clothes deputy then punches Alonso four times as his colleagues are bent over the arrestee with their arms extended, as if they are straining to hold him to the ground. The plain-clothes deputy then repositions himself, at which point he knees Alonso five times with a greater degree of force to the head, then punches him straight down to the head with Alonso’s head against the pavement four times and then knees him to the head again. In the video from that point on, whatever resistance Alonso might have been manifesting ceased and the deputies appear to be effectuating a handcuffing. Alonzo, unlike Gainer, Hijaz and Vinyard, survived his encounter.
The department, while releasing the bodyworn videos of the incident involving Gainer, has not released the video of those with Hijaz, Vinyard and Alonso.

City Manager Candidate Who Spurned SB Now Wants $2.2 Million Because, He Claims, Officials Cost Him His Salinas Job

It has now been disclosed that a little more than a month after he voluntarily withdrew as a candidate for San Bernardino city manager, Steve Carrigan took the first step toward suing the city that was on the brink of hiring him.
In a $2.2 million claim of damages for off-setting financial compensation filed on Carrigan’s behalf on November 30, 2023 by the Irvine-based Executive Law Group against the City of San Bernardino, Carrigan’s attorney R. Craig Scott maintained Carrigan was fired by the city of Salinas, where he was employed as city manager when he applied for a similar position in San Bernardino, because someone with San Bernardino intentionally informed his political masters in Salinas that he was contemplating leaving his managerial post there.
According to Scott, Carrigan was discriminated against in San Bernardino because he is white.
While the basic narrative contained in Carrigan’s claim matches certain events as they occurred during the time Carrigan’s application was under review by the city and its elected decision-makers, it misses some key facts known to the Sentinel, which include that city officials had reached a consensus to hire Carrigan, that the city was on track to finalize that hiring on October 4, 2023 and that it was action by Carrigan himself, taken in rapid succession on September 28, 2023, both in person in Salinas as well as electronically and telephonically, which resulted, ultimately, in Carrigan not acceding to the city manager’s post in San Bernardino. More to the point, the firm representing Carrigan has erroneously drawn the conclusion that one of the council members who was actually in favor of hiring him had actively sought to prevent him from being hired. Continue reading

Chino Hills Council Desperately Seeking To Shut Down Criticism Of Israeli War Effort

I and all the world know
What all schoolchildren learn
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
                       -W. H. Auden
On a continuous basis since January, Chino Hills City Council meetings, against the wishes of the council members, other city officials and many of the attendees, have been turned into impromptu fora with regard to the violence that has been taking place more than a third of the way around the globe following Hamas’s October 2023 testing of Israeli authority in Gaza.
While the creation of the Israeli state has been a controversial issue since before that country’s founding in 1948, in the United States, given the affluence, influence and prominence of the Jewish population within scientific, legal, informational, entertainment, political and social contexts, Israel has been, while not immune from criticism, favored generally by the American people throughout the country. The firm, that is to say oftentimes ruthless and brutal, policies employed by Israel in its dealings with its surrounding countries and even those non-Jewish citizens living within its borders, has for 70 years been a reality the vast majority of those living in the United States have been willing to overlook, particularly given the recognition of the atrocities visited upon European Jewry during the Second World War. Regardless of what liberties its founders might have taken in establishing their country, Israel has forever since been surrounded on three sides with nation states and non-nations states unrelentingly hostile to it.
From the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, throughout the 1950s and both the Suez Crisis and Lebanon War, the Palestinian Fedayen Insurgency, the 1960s and the Six-Day War followed by the War of Attrition, the 1970s and the Yom Kippur War followed by the Palestinian Insurgency in Lebanon, the 1980s and the Intifada and the Lebanon conflicts, the 1990s and the Second Intifada, the 2006 Lebanon War and the 2008-09 Gaza War, the 2014 Gaza War proceeded by operations in the Gaza Strip and the Iran-Israel conflict that grew out of the Syrian Civil War, Israel had the advantage of U.S. governmental backing, the exception of the Suez Crisis notwithstanding. Moreover, Israel has enjoyed relatively strong popular American support with the balance of the U.S. media drowning out whatever dissenting voices there were that took the side of those against whom Israel was militating and warring.
The Israel-Hamas War has proven a radical exception. From its inception in October 2023, when the vaunted Israeli military and intelligence/security services were caught flatfooted as never before, Israel and both its Jewish and non-Jewish supporters in the United States have been dealing with the entirely uncharted phenomenon of both vocal support at the street level as well as written and videographic support within the media for those ethnic groups other than Jews who must live within the confines of 8,019-square mile Israel or who live under Israeli occupation of the 503-square miles surrounding that country’s periphery. After having been rocked back on its heels by a well-coordinated and stealthily executed insurgent action launched on October 7 in which Hamas killed 1,139 Israelis and foreign nationals including 766 civilians and 373 military members and taking hostage another 253 Israelis and foreigners, the Israelis, slowly and gradually at first and then with greater confidence and aplomb have brought their superior force and firepower to bear to more than even the score. Israel in relatively short order cleared from its territory the Hamas-led Palestinian militants who had breached the Gaza-Israel barrier, while simultaneously tightening its blockade of the Gaza Strip, before launching one of the most intense bombing campaigns in modern history, thereafter undertaking a ground invasion aimed at rooting out Hamas and taking control again of Gaza.
The Israeli campaign has been complicated by Hamas’s ability and practice of blending in with the indigenous Gaza population, which has led to wide-scale and repeated casualties among the non-combatant Palestinian population.
In the meantime, supporters of the Palestinians and Israel’s opponents have said that the Hamas uprising and its military actions came in response to generations of Israeli domination of the indigenous, non-Jewish population in the region and the continued Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories and the plight of Palestinian refugees and prisoners, the blockade of the Gaza Strip, the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements and the Israeli desecration and further threats to the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Such statements of support of the Palestinians and their cause had never been heard with such frequency and intensity throughout the United States before, and as more and more expressions of support of the Palestinians were made, those making such statements grew bolder still, to the point that it was becoming clear that a substantial minority within the Democratic Party throughout the United States, which has traditionally been highly supportive of Israel, had sympathies that lie with the Palestinians. Along the way, this signaled a progression toward the potential or eventual dissolution of a key element of Israel’s fundamental strength, its reliance upon U.S. military and political support.
Israel’s tightened blockade and attacks on infrastructure within Gaza continued unabated, leading to a humanitarian crisis, which included damage to the Gaza Strip’s medical institutions and its hospitals, together with a famine that remains ongoing. At present, Israeli forces have destroyed close to two-thirds of the housing in Gaza. Because of the blockades and the impoverishment of Gaza’s residents, many are trapped in an area where they are subject to continuing reprisals directed toward Hamas but which fall upon them.
Throughout the Israeli operation in reaction to the October 7 Hamas attack, to date more than 33,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, including over 14,000 children and 9,000 women.
There have been protests nationwide in the U.S., as elsewhere in the world, by various groups calling for a ceasefire and an end to the Israeli occupation. Some such requests have emanated from those who have previously been supporters of Israel, including staunch advocates on that country’s behalf, many of whom believe that one atrocity does not justify another atrocity, nor should one set of atrocities begat another set.
It is the case that sentiment against Israel’s continue operations in Gaza runs as heavily in Chino Hills as does it elsewhere. Chino Hills qualifies as San Bernardino County’s most affluent city, measured by per capita and household income of its residents, with a median household income of $103,473. Chino Hills is also a haven for a substantial number of foreigners, both naturalized and ones who are on track toward U.S. citizenship, as well as those on extended visas.
Fully thirty percent of the adult population in Chino Hills is foreign-born. While 29 percent of the population identifies itself as “white,” according to the 2020 U.S. Census, the Asian population had reached 40.5 percent four years ago and the Hispanic populace, who may include themselves in any race, stood at 28.2 percent, with African Americans accounting for 4.2 percent of the city’s 78,411 population at that time and 0.8 percent calling themselves native Americans, 0.2 percent Pacific Islanders and11.3 percent falling into some other category. The Arab population in Chino Hills stands at an even 1 percent, compared to 0.83 percent in the state of California and 0.65 percent in the nation. The Persian population of Chino Hills, at least 8 percent of which is Jewish, stands at 1.6 percent. The population in Chino Hills, including those foreign born, are relatively well educated, with 52.4 of adults in the city holding bachelor’s degree.
With foreign born individuals in Chino Hills attempting to live into the American Dream and the free speech principle embodied in the First Amendment, they naturally are anxious to participate in voicing their beliefs and opinions on current topics. As cities such as Chino Hills have a “representative” form of governance, many perceive City Hall as a “town hall” or “civic forum” at which they can make their feelings known. Lost on some is the distinction between the various branches or phases of government, such as the administrative, legislative and judicial or the levels of governance, such as federal, state, county or municipal. As cities such as Chino Hills have a “representative” form of governance, many see a city council meeting as synonymous with a town hall, and some blur the distinction between the differing jurisdictions.
In this way, many residents of Chino Hills seeking to lodge a protest against Israeli policies in Gaza have come to believe that the city council meetings that take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 6 pm in the Chino Hills City Council Chambers at 14000 City Center Drive are an ideal forum for doing just that.
From the outset of the current year, beginning with the council meeting on on January 9 and again on January 23, February 13, February 27, March 12 and March 26, multiple individuals acting independently as well as ones who have been acting in concert with one another have used a portion or even all of the three minutes normally allotted to members of the public to request that the city use its authority to do something – anything – to bring the hostilities in Gaza to an end. Those acting in unison on this issue have included the group Chino Valley 4 Palestine. Its members have repeatedly requested that the city council approve a resolution endorsing a cease-fire on the Israel-Hamas War to bring what they say is genocide in Gaza to a close. On February 13, March 12 and March 26 at least one person requested that the city council not refrain from adopting a resolution in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza.
City officials have endeavored to explain to the public that they have no charter and no authority to intercede in international affairs and that their influence over events political extends merely to the running of the City of Chino Hills and the 44.8 square miles within its city limits. Several city residents, however, have expressed their belief that the city government exists as a representative of and mouthpiece for the city’s current 77.430 residents and that the council members, collectively and on behalf of the city’s residents can pass such a resolution asking Israel to consent to the ceasefire or to call upon the U.S. Government to intercede in bringing a ceasefire to bear.
In some cases, some residents have become irate to the point of shouting, expressing their belief the city is shirking its moral responsibility to address injustice no matter where it occurs.
On March 12, the council held concurrently with its regular meeting that day a special meeting at which it discussed the practice of “utilizing the Brown Act limitation (Government Code Section 54954.3) which allows the city to restrict public communications to city business [those being] matters that are within the city’s subject matter jurisdiction and return to enforcing Administrative Policy and Procedures Policy No. 1.4, Section 3.3, which limits public communications to city business.”
City Attorney Mark Hensley propounded that there is a clear provision in California law, Government Code 54954.3, which can be used to limit what a member of the public can speak about during a council meeting. Hensley said a council meeting is not an open-ended and unrestricted venue but is considered a “limited public forum” in which citizens have the right to address the city council about matters that fall within the city’s authority.
Hensley quoted Government Code 54954.3, which states, “Every agenda for regular meetings shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the legislative body on any item of interest to the public, before or during the legislative body’s consideration of the item that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the legislative body, provided that no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless the action is otherwise authorized by subdivision.’
Hensley said that the waging of wars or bringing them to a conclusion is a matter that falls under federal rather than local jurisdiction. He said no matter how passionately city residents may feel about any number of national and international issues, the city does not have the legally constituted reach to impact those issues.
Insofar as activity within the city, such as hate crimes vectored toward individuals based upon their ethnicity and/or religious beliefs, the city does have jurisdiction in addressing those to the point that the city’s police department can address them and the city can use its bully pulpit of public communications to discourage such behavior.
Fora for residents and all citizens to express their views exist within the city of Chino Hills, but city council meetings at which business relating to city operations is agendized and discussed is not one of those, Hensley said.

At the March 12 meeting, the city council also tweaked the city’s administrative policy and procedures manual to prevent residents speaking on any unagendized item during the public comment period from using the city’s audiovisual equipment to augment their comments. The change did not extend to those seeking to offer input on agendized items. The change was intended to prevent members of the public, as had been the case previously, from using the city’s audiovisual equipment, to show videos or photographs of horrific scenes of mayhem or protest against the war in Gaza.
Unspoken is the concern that Chino Hills officials have that a continuation of the pro-Palestinian advocacy at the city’s council meetings, which has been far more pronounced in Chino Hills than all of the county’s other 21 cities and two incorporated towns combined, will awaken the constituents of Calvary Chapel, a local congregation headed by Pastor Jack Hibbs, into an activist mode.
At Hibbs’ prompting, Calvary Chapel attendees have flexed their political muscle by electing, since the early 2000s, one after another, members of the Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Trustees. By 2012, members of that church constituted a majority of the school board, whereupon the district instituted a number of “Christian-friendly” policies, such as a curriculum including Bible study and Christian prayer within district functions and fora. For reasons both known and unknown, Hibbs has refrained from bringing what he calls his “denominalationist” approach to bear in seeking to influence the decision-making process exercised by the Chino City Council or the Chino Hills City Council.
Were he to vector his congregation to attend the Chino Hills Council meetings and begin weighing in on the Israel-Hamas War, its members’ statements most certainly would be ones in support of the Israeli position. This would set up a circumstance in which there would be significant numbers of attendees with diametrically opposite sentiments at the council meetings, a potentially explosive situation that officials would rather avoid. As it has stood since January, the lion’s share of those in attendance at the Chino Hills meetings have been pro-Palestinian, a touchy arrangement given that there have been a few pro-Israeli partisans among the crowd, but no overt acts of hostility or violence manifested.
-Mark Gutglueck

Miller Declines Offer To Replace Robles And Fill GT Council Gap

Grand Terrace’s four remaining elected municipal officials are yet cataloging their options in seeking a replacement for Sylvia Robles after seeking to plug the gap on their panel created with her abrupt resignation last month by offering that position to former Councilman Jim Miller, who declined the honor.
Robles, a former county employee who was first elected to the Grand Terrace City Council in 2012, reelected in 2016 and then reelected once more in 2020, was serving a term that was set to expire in December of this year. She was obliged to resign as councilwoman because, following her husband’s retirement, the couple had resolved to move to San Clemente. She earlier intended to make that transition next year, after leaving the council, but a favorable offer on their Grand Terrace home and an equally favorable opportunity to purchase a home in the Orange County beach community necessitated that they make the move at once. Continue reading

Ramos To Face Republican Olson In November

Reportedly, Democrat Assemblyman James Ramos, who was unopposed in the March 5 California Primary, will face a Republican candidate who will be on the ballot opposing him in November.
While the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters has not provided a confirmation, it appears that as a write-in candidate, Scott Olson, has qualified his candidacy in what will be a run-off in the general election.
According to the official finalized results released by the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters Office, Olsen received 334 total write-in votes, or 1.04 percent, consisting of 267 votes that came in by mail ballot, 66 lodged at polling places and one provisional vote. That compared with the 32,160 votes or 98.96 percent for Ramos, of which 28,528 came in by mail, 3,096 were placed at the polls and 155 were provisional.
Olson, a Republican, was included as an official write-in candidate in the 45th Assembly District race, which paralleled what had occurred, for instance, in the race to represent the 6th District on the San Bernardino City Council, in which the incumbent, Kimberly Calvin, failed to qualify as a ballot candidate but did run as a write-in hopeful, and Sharon Lyn Stein, a Republican, who ran as a write-in candidate in California’s 50th Assembly District.
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San Bernardino County Crawling With Chinese Agents Mapping Installations & Infrastructure

Chinese espionage agents are reportedly intensifying their scrutiny of the vast 20,105-square mile reaches of San Bernardino County to facilitate the updating of that county’s nuclear missile targeting programs.
At present, the Chinese are targeting both the continental United States and Hawaii, with all six of their DF-5A silo-based nuclear missiles, first deployed in 1981; at least eight of their 12 DF-5B silo-based missiles first deployed in 2015; and no fewer than 15 of their 24 DF-31A missiles first deployed in 2007. Ultimately, the lion’s share of the DF-5C intercontinental ballistic missiles they are now in the process of deploying and the DF-41 silo-based missiles they will begin deploying next year and continue deploying until 2017 will be aimed at the United States.
Since at least early 2022, Chinese agents have been dispatched in multiple waves to ascertain military and infrastructure-related assets that should first be identified and in subsequent reconnaissance missions examined for vulnerabilities, hardening and tie-ins to other military and infrastructure structures, installations and relays.
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Deputy Fatally Shoots Knife-Armed Teen In Bathtub

By Mark Gutglueck
Sheriff Shannon Dicus on Wednesday released video and still photographs of one of his deputy’s killing of 17-year-old Aaron James in Victorville on Tuesday, April 2.
James, described by Dicus as “a 17-year-old white male juvenile” was shot during a struggle over a knife while, Dicus said, he “was experiencing mental health issues.” James is the fourth individual to die at the hands of San Bernardino County sheriff’s deputies in less than a month.
The deadly encounter took place just after 1 p.m. at a home in the 17100 block of Forest Hills Drive, just east of Brentwood Drive, in Victorville. Deputies had been summoned there just after 12:30 p.m.
According to Dicus, “The situation we were confronted with yesterday is the juvenile was just taken three days ago for harming himself, essentially cutting himself, to a hospital for treatment and ultimately to be sent to a mental health facility. During the transition to the mental health facility, the juvenile absconded from the hospital and showed up at a residence in Victorville.” Continue reading