Hall’s willowweed, known by its scientific name, epilobium hallianum, is a subspecies of the genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae that is extant in the San Bernardino Mountains. The Onagraceae genus contains some 197 species worldwide.
Most species are known by the common name willowherbs for their willow-like leaves. Those that were once cataloged as boisduvalia are called spike-primroses or boisduvalias. Those epilobium species previously placed in the chamaenerion group and known as fireweeds are now segregated into the genus chamaenerion.
Epilobium hallianum, a dicot, is a perennial herb that is native to California, and is also found outside of California, but is confined to western North America.
The leaves are opposite or rarely whorled, simple and ovate to lanceolate in shape. The flowers are actinomorphic (radially symmetrical) with four petals that may be notched. These are usually smallish and white or bluish-purple. The fruit is a slender cylindrical capsule containing numerous seeds embedded in fine, soft silky fluff which disperses the seeds very effectively in the wind.
Willowweed only rarely exists in conjunction with shade trees, often limiting itself to more recently disturbed patches, yielding to other plants over time. Consequently, though it functions as a pioneer plant, it does not qualify as an invasive weed.
Epilobium species are used as food plants by the caterpillars of certain lepidoptera species, most often including the white-lined sphinx known scientifically as the hyles lineata; the black-banded carpet, known scientifically as the antepirrhoe semiatrata; the yellow-banded day sphinx, known scientifically as the proserpinus flavofasciata; the ornate moth, known scientifically as the utetheisa ornatrix; and Clark’s day sphinx moth, known scientifically as proserpinus clarkiae. It also attracts the grey pug, known scientifically as eupithecia subfuscata; the mouse moth, known scientifically as the amphipyra tragopoginis; the small angle shades, known scientifically as euplexia lucipara; and the elephant hawk-moth, known scientifically as the deilephila elpenor.
The main use of epilobium by humans is as a herbal supplement in the treatment of prostate, bladder, incontinence and hormone disorders. Many of the small willowherb species are nuisance weeds in gardens. Though few are regularly used as ornamental plants, the larger willowherbs may be attractive in ruderal locales.
In the late summer, its flowers yield pollen and copious nectar which give a rich spicy honey. Its young leaves, roots, and shoots are edible, if somewhat bitter, and rich in provitamin A and vitamin C. The plant’s sap can be applied to wounds, as it has anti-inflammatory properties.
From Wikipedia, calflora.org and calscape.org