San Bernardino County has made an adjustment equal to less than .001096 percent of the previously agreed to amount of one of its contracts.
On January 24, 2017, the board of supervisors approved a fourth amendment to a contract it has had with McKesson Technologies Inc. since 2006 for technical assistance and hardware, software, licensing and system maintenance in support of its medical imaging systems and the digital storage of those images at the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, which is the main campus of the county hospital. That amendment reduced the price for the support of the hospital’s medical imaging picture archiving and communication system and its cardiology picture archiving and communication system due to the deletion of McKesson’s technicians’ travel and service days related to an upgrade, by $50,436, from $8,349,068 to $8,298,632, with no change to the May 18, 2020 expiration of the service contract.
Staff at Arrowhead was contacted by McKesson following approval of the amendment in January, according to William L. Gilbert, the director of the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center, “as it was discovered that McKesson had inadvertently omitted two additional cardiac workstations that were required for a recent upgrade.” Gilbert recommended the county amend the contract with McKesson to allow the medical center to receive the two additional cardiac workstations, at no additional cost, for use with the recently installed medical imaging picture archiving and communication system and the cardiology picture archiving and communication system utilized for viewing and storage of all images provided by the medical center’s medical imaging and cardiology departments. The county agreed to pick up the corresponding support in an amount of $303 annually, totaling $909 for the three-year period.