On Saturday March 11th, the last bald eagle count of the winter was conducted by citizen scientists and local federal and state biologists around several lakes in the southern California.
The clear skies and lack of wind made it a perfect day for counting eagles! Over 200 participants scanned the sky, tree tops, and shorelines for bald eagles. Twelve bald eagles (7 adults and 5 subadults) were observed during the 1-hour count period at five different lakes. Bald eagles acquire the full white head and tail in their 5th year. Until then, they have different plumages of brown and white. Two subadults were observed at Lake Silverwood; 2 adults and 1 subadult at Lake Arrowhead; 2 adults at Lake Hemet, and 3 adults and 2 subadults at Big Bear Lake.
The highest number of bald eagles in southern California occurs between December and March when eagles migrate here for the winter. By the end of March, most of the migrant bald eagles have headed back north to their nesting areas. After decades of no bald eagles nesting in southern California, there are now some nesting pairs that stay year-round. A live-stream camera on a nest near Big Bear Lake (https://www.youtube.com/atch?v=iHofqKTOcKw) (installed by the Friends of Big Bear) provides a peek in the life of our local bald eagles.