By Count Friedrick von Olsen
The word is that Donald Trump made some remarks about the desireability of a certain woman or two. It seems the Democrats are having a field day with that. I guess Mr. Trump may have used what some people consider pretty crude language in expressing that admiration….
Okay, so what does this mean? I think this was brought up by the Hillary Clinton campaign. Hmmm. It seems I have a recollection or two with regard to her husband having a certain admiration for, and inclination toward, women…
News Flash! Men chase women! It seems that every generation, someone discovers the sexual nature of the world all over again. When I was a bit younger, I was known for cutting a rug or two with a damsel in my arms. I did my best dancing while we were horizontal…
Okay, now that everyone has had their fun, let’s get on with discussing some serious things in this year’s presidential election campaign…