The San Bernardino National Forest is initiating a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) analysis for the Nestlé Waters North America (Nestlé) Special Use Permit.
The proposed action is to issue a 5 year special use permit to authorize the occupancy and use of National Forest System lands for the extraction and transmission of water using existing improvements in the Strawberry Creek watershed. In addition to authorizing the existing improvements, the permit would require Nestlé to conduct hydrologic and riparian area studies and to modify operations under an adaptive management plan if monitoring showed that water extraction was impacting surface water flow and riparian dependent resources on the National Forest.
More information and a detailed description of the proposed action along with a map of the project area can be found at the project webpage at:
Open House
The Forest Service will be hosting an open house for the project on April 14, 2016, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, at the San Bernardino National Forest Headquarters located at 602 S. Tippecanoe Ave, San Bernardino CA 92408. Forest Service staff will be available to meet with you, answer individual questions, and discuss the project and process.
How to Comment
The public is encouraged to participate in the process. We would like to receive any information regarding resource conditions in the project area as well as your input on issues and concerns related to this proposal. Comments should be submitted by Monday, May 2, 2016 to be considered during scoping and may be submitted by the following methods:
Through the project webpage at:
By email at: – include “Nestle Waters” in the subject line.
Surface mail to:
Front Country Ranger District Office
1209 Lytle Creek Road
Lytle Creek, CA 92358
Attn: Nestle Waters