The rainy Saturday over the weekend gave us a sunny Sunday. It was sweet to see the tasteful attire choices people were making everywhere explode in color. It went from a gloomy day, to a rainy evening, to a summery Sunday. But the spring shower was great this weekend. Some spring coats were pretty see, too. Anything from reptile trenches to summer coats were worn out this past Saturday. I also saw a lot of of runners out on Sunday with their colorful running outfits. Gym gear is looking pretty heavy in color this spring. These two pieces blossomed together this weekend along with all the planting and color that the earth gathered for us to see. Enjoy the color of spring because summer will be taking over before we know it. Until next week, stay tuned…
“Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
~Coco Chanel