In the crowning achievement of his more than three decades of public service in Chino. Planning Commissioner Walt Pocock on May 4 was named District 2 city councilman to replace the late Mark Hargrove.
With Mayor Eunice Ulloa not in attendance, the remaining members of the council – Marc Lucio, Karen Comstock and Christopher Flores – chose Pocock to fill the remainder of Hargrove’s term, due to elapse in 2022. Hargrove died on March 28, creating a vacancy that could be left vacant, filled by appointment or filled through a special election that the San Bernardino County Registrar of Voters Office said would cost $250,000 to conduct.
The council deemed Pocock, 78, a 1960 Pomona High School graduate, best suited to the job. With his late wife, Dolores, whom he married in 1976, Pocock ran Palo Verde Landscape Management. He has long been active in the Kiwanis Club, of which he is now president. He served on the Chino Community Services Commission from 1994 to 2000, and has been on the planning commission for 21 years and four months. He is an Edwin Rhodes Community Service Award recipient.
A consideration in appointing Pocock was his declaration that he would not run to remain on the council in 2020, such that the appointment would not confer the advantage of incumbency on any of the candidates vying in the 2022 District 2 race.
He is to be sworn into office on May 18.