The board of supervisors on Tuesday appointed Dr. Michael Sequeira, M.D. as San Bernardino County’s public health officer.
He replaces Dr. Erin Gustafson, who has been interim public health officer since the retirement of Dr. Maxwell Ohikhuare in February.
Segueira, formerly the president of the San Bernardino County Medical Society, is considered, according to the county “a leader in the county’s medical community and an experienced local expert in emergency medicine,” who “for the past 30 years… has worked in leadership roles at the local, state and national levels, including as regional director of six hospital emergency departments, including hospitals in San Bernardino, Apple Valley, Colton, and Redlands.”
A member of the steering committee of the Inland Empire Opioid Crisis Coalition, which works on an educational program for opioid prescribing and overdose treatment and prevention, Segueira also serves as national risk director for Vituity Healthcare, in which capacity he has been keeping providers current with the latest clinical and research data on COVID-19.
“We are pleased to have a medical professional of Dr. Sequeira’s expertise and background work for San Bernardino County,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Curt Hagman. “We look forward to his leadership and counsel as we navigate our way out of this COVID-19 pandemic.”
Sequeira obtained his doctorate in medicine from the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine in 1977.