In First Ever Upland District 1 Contest, Maust Calls For Creating Widespread Path To Prosperity

In speaking to her intention in running for First District Councilwoman in Upland this year, Shannan Maust said, “I believe I have the experience and vision necessary to ensure that as Upland changes and grows, it remains an inclusive and vibrant community where everyone can be put in a position to succeed and thrive.”
This November’s election will be the first-time an election is held to select a representative in Upland’s District 1 following the city’s switch to by-district voting in 2018, after a 112-year tradition of electing its city councilmembers in at-large elections. Two years ago, the city held contests for District 2, which blankets the northeast portion of the city; District 3, which covers the southwest corner of the city; and District 4, which overlays the Upland’s southeast quadrant. This year, the mayor’s position is up for election, and the voters in the city’s northwest sector, designated as District 1, will be choosing their council member. Vying against Maust for that honor is David Hazelton.
“This year, Upland will have the opportunity to elect its very first District 1 City Councilmember,” Maust said. “I am asking for the votes I need to be our community’s voice and representative on the Upland City Council. As a life-long resident, I know that Upland is a great city to live in, raise a family, own a business, enjoy retirement and a place anyone would be proud to call home.”
Maust said, “District 1 residents desire a variety of shopping options and experiences that are lacking in our city. I also see significant challenges coming our way from revenue loss due to the pandemic. I will work on bringing economic development and tax generating business to Upland to offset the financial loss.”
She is qualified to hold the position of city councilwoman, Maust said, through her experience in the private sector.
“Prior to becoming a business owner with my husband, I was employed at Nordstrom for 23 years,” she said. “My career in sales, customer service and public relations has provided me with skills and insights that I believe would be useful at the council dais, in serving the public, and in dealing with our neighboring municipalities. Over the years at Nordstrom I was tasked with challenges requiring creative solutions and problem-solving, and at the time of my retirement, I directed training programs. While I understand city government operates differently from the private sector, providing a positive customer service experience is the shared denominator. This basic foundation is a tool I intend to utilize in my role as a city council member. One of my responsibilities included managing several million dollars in retail accounts as an account executive. I interfaced with many employees, conducted selling quotas, executed events, designed programs, trained employees on workplace efficiency and managed multiple stores’ schedules. My priorities also included balancing and satisfying the needs of both retailers and vendors.”
She contrasts favorably with Hazelton, Maust said.
“Though I have not met or ever spoken with my opponent, I believe that experience is one of many distinctions between us,” she said. “I am a wife, a mother, a business owner, a community volunteer, and an active participate in community affairs. I have a comprehensive understanding of the numerous challenges our city is facing and a vision to help navigate through those challenges.”
She offered her view that “Upland’s success is determined by our residents, businesses, and city leaders all working together for the betterment of our community. I believe effective municipal government must begin with institutional policies designed to promote transparency, foster community participation and awareness, and deliver services for residents with quality customer service. My professional career with Nordstrom instilled in me a deep respect and appreciation for quality customer service. I intend to collaborate with residents and city staff to develop and implement a ‘resident first policy’ aimed at improving the overall customer service level experienced by Upland residents when interacting with the various city departments.
“I believe that taking on a leadership role requires an individual to lead by example,” Maust continued. “I will make myself accessible to the residents I represent. As your city councilmember, I believe it is my fiduciary responsibility to listen to the ideas, concerns, and opinions of all residents and not just the voters in District 1. If as a resident, you need to reach out to me, I will get back to you. I know how frustrating navigating government institutions can often be. I will always do my best to facilitate and navigate your comments or concerns through the proper channels at City Hall in order to best address the matter. I believe if residents need to contact City Hall or contact their city councilmember, their experience should always be professional, courteous, and respectful.”
She has demonstrated her commitment to Upland, Maust said.
“I have spent many years volunteering in Upland,” she said. “I treasure every experience and opportunity with one goal in mind; bringing people together and improving the quality of life in our community. My experiences have allowed me to see the best of what Upland has to offer and a front seat view of the incredible potential for our community. Improving and protecting Upland’s fiscal future will require out-of-the-box thinking. Upland needs dedicated leadership from its elected city leaders with the skill set, knowledge, and courage to make tough decisions, while also affording residents opportunities and access to participate in planning and goal-setting endeavors for Upland.”
In sizing up the major issues facing the city, Maust said, “Our city has always struggled to increase revenue and offset increasing expenditures while remaining a bedroom community. The Upland Police Department is underfunded, causing our officers to seek employment at other municipal police departments which offer higher pay. Underfunding also creates challenges for recruiting new police officers to come and serve the Upland community. Unfortunately, with the current pandemic, several factors are yet to be determined regarding our already challenged general fund. The expansion of development without the ability to provide first responder and public works services to the increased population is an issue. The California Public Employee Retirement System’s unfunded liability has placed our city on the financial ‘at risk’ list, like many other cities. It is a continuous issue to watch.”
To overcome those challenges, Maust said the city should “increase revenues to properly fund and staff the Upland Police Department and other city staff departments, focus on building an economic development department and marketing the city to attract new viable tax generating businesses, continue building relationships with our current businesses and streamline the planning process for new businesses in-house, making it easier to conduct business in Upland. The economic development department would help facilitate workshops for new businesses being established in the city.”
Furthermore, Maust said, “We should regroup with our directors, mainly the public works department, on service priorities and protocols. We need to generate a monthly report of accomplishments in our city for the residents to view progress. The California Public Employees Retirement System should be a topic of continuous conversation with regard to options for satisfying our commitment to current and past employees in terms of their pensions, and we should build relationships with other cities for further options or ideas.”
Maust said City Hall should champion rejuvenating the city’s commercial base. “I believe we can increase the visibility of and buy in on the Shop Upland campaign,” she said. “We need to educate residents that when internet shopping increases, the city’s sales tax revenue decreases. We would be well-advised to promote the necessity of shopping local.”
In coming to terms with the city’s stagnating financial condition, Maust said, “Realistically the city leadership will need to prioritize with the residents on services provided. Without a known influx of revenue, the city will not be able to expand on any program or increased needs of the city. The council will need to communicate effectively to our residents our situation as it unfolds from the loss of revenue.
“I will be a trustworthy steward of public funds, improving programs while respecting budget limitations,” Maust continued. “I will protect infrastructure investments by planning ahead for future maintenance projects. We need our council to work together with the public, openly and enthusiastically. As a lifelong resident, a graduate of Upland High School, a small business owner, and longtime community volunteer and advocate, I have the relationships and history of working with the community to make this happen.”
Maust said she advocated “redeveloping the city website to be more user friendly and serve as a community resource for residents, developing a ‘resident first policy’ designed to empower city staff to create a positive customer service experience when engaging with residents, and promoting resident participation and develoing new avenues to increase communication and outreach with the public.”
She possesses previous experience relating to government, Maust said.
“My recent experience includes being a member of the city council advisory committee for the past two years,” she said. “This committee researched and advised the council on multiple items. This opportunity has permitted me to have interaction, insight and a close view on how government operates. Over the past 3 years, I have attended every committee meeting, read agendas and packets for city council meetings and I am now or was involved in other areas of volunteerism in the city, including as an Upland Police Department Business Watch volunteer, a member of the Shop Upland Committee, a member of the Say No to Panhandling Committee and the Cooper Museum Christmas Parade Committee. I was the fundraising vice president of the Upland High School Choir Board, a member of the Upland High School Theatre Booster Board, a participant in the Southern California MCC Conference for Hunger Relief, a member of the Parent Teacher Association and I was the administrator of the Eat Upland Facebook Page. I have also been a Neighborhood Watch Captain from 2010 to the present, and received my certificate in 2017 as a graduate of the Upland Police Department Citizens Academy.
Proudly, Maust said, “I am a lifelong resident of Upland, 51 years. I attended Upland public schools, graduating from Upland High School in 1986.”
Additionally, she said, “I graduated Cal State University, San Bernardino in 1994 with a degree in business management.”
Maust said, “My husband Mark and I have been married for 24 years. We have two daughters who attended Upland schools. Both children have enjoyed being involved in numerous activities at school. Our oldest daughter graduated from California State University, Fullerton in 2020 and our youngest daughter will graduate from Upland High School in 2022. My husband and I own an investigations business and our office is in Upland.”
Maust said, “I have watched Upland grow from being a spacious, tight knit community with strong homeowner pride and a wonderful hometown feel to the Upland we see today. Every city faces unique challenges. However, how a community and its elected leaders rise up to respond and overcome those challenges are what defines the very essence of a community. I am running for city council so I may be part of the discussion and decision-making that will direct the future of our city. Upland has many unique strengths and positive qualities which continue to draw future residents from throughout Southern California. I wish to continue that tradition by working together with all stakeholders to enhance those unique qualities that make Upland our home.”
Maust said, “As a wife, mother of two daughters, homeowner, and community volunteer, I am invested in the future success of Upland. If elected, I will continue to be a dedicated advocate for our community. I will support ideas and programs that bring services and people together with the goal of improving the quality of life in our community. Decisions from our policymakers must always reflect the values of residents they represent, free from the false claims, misinformation, distortions, and conflicts of interest of outside elements.
“If elected, I will advocate for enhancing public safety by supporting our Upland Police Department, enhancing a continued high level of safety for residents through retaining and recruiting quality police officers and proactive policing and timely response to calls for service,” she continued. “I endorse fiscal viability and accountability, pension reform with sustainable goals, undertaking a review of existing systems with an eye on making operations more efficient and reducing cost. I will evaluate what will be needed to align for our residents’ service needs with making sure the city prioritizes and works in an efficient manner. I will increase transparency and visibility for contract bidding. I pledge to strengthen our local businesses, which will help to support our local economy, provide jobs, and increase sales tax revenue while generating new revenue generating opportunities. I will market Upland to attract companies and business opportunities and support policies that increase sales tax revenue.”

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