Lee Kaberlein, who is challenging incumbent Bobby Duncan in the November election for the city council position representing the Third District, said, “I’m running because Yucaipa has become a microcosm of America, in that we are a divided city. Our political differences turned into violence on June 1st amid the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests. I believe Yucaipa and District 3 need a leader who can bridge the divide, and help heal our city.”
In discussing his qualifications to hold the position of city councilman, Kaberlein said “I got my first job at Sears when I was seventeen. I learned through that job and subsequent jobs that I was good at customer service and am a people person. It gave me great pleasure to serve the public in that capacity. I think my temperament and ability to empathize with all people will serve me well on the city council.”
Kaberlein said he is clearly distinguishable from the incumbent.
“Unfortunately, Bobby Duncan is unable to act professionally in his current position as councilman, and has sadly stirred up controversy through his Facebook page,” Kaberlein said. “His behavior on June 1st demonstrated that he either can’t or won’t represent all Yucaipans, only those who share his political views. A real leader is able to unite people, not divide them. I have that ability. It’s a great strength of mine.”
Kaberlein said there are several major issues facing the city.
“Yucaipa has suffered greatly like other American cities from the opioid crisis,” he said. “Addiction is a major issue for Yucaipa that affects everyone here one way or another. Crimes like theft and burglary put a strain on our law enforcement officials. Law enforcement is not equipped to solve the problem of addiction.
“One issue that our city will likely soon face is increased evictions and foreclosures,” Kaberlein said. “COVID-19 has greatly impacted people’s ability to stay above water financially. It has also put many of our small businesses at great risk of closing permanently.
“Climate change is by far the greatest challenge humans have faced since World War II and the Cold War,” Kaberlein continued. “Our very survival is at stake. Yucaipa is not immune to the threat of the climate crisis.”
Kaberlein said, “I believe when it comes to addiction and crime there should be a two-pronged approach. As councilman, I will work with San Bernardino County, local addiction advocacy groups, churches, and charities to address the needs of veterans, addicts/alcoholics, the homeless, and mentally ill in our city. The next approach is law enforcement and citizens patrol. Since the city’s budget can’t pay for an adequate police force at the moment, I believe it would be more cost effective right now to beef up our neighborhood watch programs, and citizens patrol. An increased presence of volunteers from the community can begin to discourage theft, and robbery. It’s a complex issue that will take time and effort to solve.
“As far as evictions and foreclosures, our local government needs to make renters, home owners, businesses owners and commercial property owners more aware of the resources the state of California, and the federal government have made available to them,” Kaberlein said. “If elected I will work tirelessly to help in any way I can to get Yucaipans the resources they need to survive the pandemic and economic crisis we are in.”
Kaberlein said, “When it comes to climate change, I will work with the county, state, and federal government to get funding to the City of Yucaipa so that we can begin to modernize our infrastructure for the 21st Century. I will work to increase the percentage of renewable energy Yucaipa uses for its energy needs. This would include vehicle charging stations at public buildings and commercial parking lots, and increased solar power for commercial, public, and private properties.”
His proposal to pay for the solutions he has suggested to improve Yucaipa, Kaberlein said, would come “through public grants from the state and federal government.”
His previous experience relating to government, he said, consists of being an avid and engaged observer of how the government’s elected decision-makers function, Kaberlein said.
“I have attended local city council meetings, and spoken out on various public issues,” he said. “I keep myself informed on public policy as much as I can.”
Kaberlein has lived in Yucaipa 6 years. A Southern California native, he has also lived in Portales, New Mexico for 7 years, and in Odessa and Austin, Texas for four years.
He attended Redlands High School his freshman year, and Hesperia High School the final three years of his public education. He has an associates degree in secondary education from Odessa College.
He is a custodian/housekeeper at Forest Home Christian Camp in Forest Falls, but has been furloughed as a result of its closure because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
He is single.
“I believe I can be a positive influence in Yucaipa for our residents and our youth as well,” Kaberlein said. “I’d love for our students to learn about the importance of civic engagement, and that they have the power to effect positive change.”