By Grace Bernal
What is happening to the beauty world? I see chaos and misrepresentation with regard to hair salons, nail shops, and other spas of the sort. If each city used the necessary perspective and empathy toward salons, eyebrow threading, nail shops, and etc., a better solution would be made instead of making them work outside. In this weather the risk of endangering someone with heat stroke is high. Why not allow one client indoors at a time while each is being tended to? For example, my hairdresser has her own individual room. No other client is permitted. Meanwhile, inside an eyebrow threading establishment, an air conditioner is going full blast inside, but outside the the worker is sweating and heated threading away. That should be a health concern that hasn’t been thought of. We know there’s a dangerous virus out there and people need to work to make ends meet. Of course, despite whatever progress the disease is making, we women need maintenance. How safe is it to work outdoors? It shouldn’t be difficult for a city to send out proper representatives to sample one of these places and figure out a better and safe plan for these small businesses. Everyone loves a good pedicure, hairdo, and other essential beauty needs but no one deserves to be out in the heat. These small businesses pay to be indoors with proper cooling and other accommodations. Perhaps these essential salons may need to operate late at night to compensate for the day heat.
Anything for beauty! If you’re listening out there, we need our essential hair dressers, manicurist, and threaders to be out there safe and happy. The COVID-19 issue is about learning to work around it, and making improvements that fit the small business, the employees, and the clients. I believe that with good perspective and collaboration of ideas, better solutions can come about. Let’s care more and do more for the beauty world that we love so much. Stay safe, and stay beautiful!
“Beauty without expression is boring.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson