Adelanto Councilman Gerardo Hernandez is in critical condition as a consequence of his having contracted the coronavirus, it was disclosed this week.
It was confirmed this afternoon that Hernandez had tested positive for COVID-19. He had previously been tested, but the results came back negative. That was a false negative, one of the physicians attending him said. A second test was made and processed. The results came in late yesterday.
It is believed that Hernandez has been ill with the coronavirus for nearly four weeks. Initially, on March 9 or 10, he was showing signs of a mild cold.
He reportedly resolved to self quarantine on March 11, but broke from that regimen that evening to attend the regularly scheduled city council meeting, as well as a specially called meeting following day, March 12. Hernandez wore a mask during the March 11 meeting, but perhaps because the March 12 meeting was an emergency meeting which he might not have anticipated, he was not wearing a mask that day. Somewhat ironically, the March 12 meeting was held for the purpose of declaring a local emergency and to issue an advisory that residents sequester themselves in their homes and minimize social contact to avoid the possible spread of the disease.
In a memo to all Adelanto city employees issued April 1, Adelanto City Manager Jessie Flores said, “It is important to note that Vice Mayor Hernandez was last at City Hall on the evening of Thursday, March 12, which is well over 14 days ago. Still, if you believe you were in contact with the vice mayor during that timeframe and feel sick, please notify myself or HR [human resources] immediately so we can take appropriate measures to keep you and other city staff safe.”
Six days after the March 12 meeting, Hernandez was admitted to a hospital. The Sentinel has agreed to a request that the hospital not be identified in print at this time. Since that time, Hernandez has been confined in what is referred to as “isolation,” unable to have contact with anyone other than a limited subset of the hospital’s medical personnel, who are outfitted in garb designed to minimize the possible spread of any contagion. That concern goes both ways, as the personnel are seeking to avoid contracting the coronavirus themselves and to not convey it to any other employees or patients at the hospital, and are simultaneously seeking to prevent Hernandez from being exposed to any other viruses or bacteria that could weaken him further and complicate his recovery.
Shortly after Hernandez’s admittance, it was determined that he was suffering from a variety of conditions which in combination are life-threatening. He was intubated and put into a medically-induced coma.
According to the Victorville Daily Press, Hernandez is stricken with multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock and must undergo dialysis on a regular basis.
Flores said, “Our thoughts and prayers are with the vice mayor and his family during this difficult time, and we are wishing him a speedy recovery.”
Hernandez is the second city councilman in San Bernrdino County known to have contracted the coronavirus. Big Bear City Councilman Rick Herrick likewise has been diagnosed with the malady.