I’ve been really digging the western look. So much, that I’m noticing a trend of people dressing like the Madonna of the Trail over on Euclid Avenue in Upland. You know: the long dress, with boots and bonnet. Missing would be the rifle and children. Well, the look is really neat and fun. There are skirts with ruffled tops, and dresses that cover up the neck. And with this nippy weather, who doesn’t dig a pair of cool boots? History always repeats itself, and fashion likewise comes and goes. Eras don’t really make a difference; one blends into another and in the fashion world time leapfrogs forwards and backwards. The difference comes in how you wear what you wear. It’s always neat to see people create a fun modern outfit with a hint of history. With that said, enjoy going West, using your creativity and reinventing the Madonna look on your own trail.
“You either know fashion or you don’t.” – Anna Wintour