Her efforts to properly carry out her assignments as San Bernardino City Manager earned her the enmity of the city’s mayor, Andrea Travis Miller claims in a lawsuit she has filed against her former employer.
In that suit, Travis Miller maintains she was retaliated against, subjected to a “hostile” work environment, discriminated against and suffered gender bias. She says that tension between her and Mayor John Valdivia and his staff members was at the root of much of the shabby treatment she endured.
Travis Miller’s suit filed in San Bernardino County Superior Court, reiterates many of the issues she previously highlighted in a claim she filed against the city in July in the aftermath of her April 3 suspension and May 29 firing, while fleshing out further detail with regard to how the city and its leaders failed to take any corrective action or discipline those who were responsible for what she experiences.
In the breach-of-contract lawsuit filed Tuesday, Travis-Miller maintains several of the city’s elected officials knowlingly and deliberately violated the city’s charter, which was revamped in 2016, particularly with regard to provisions that empowered her as city manager vis-à-vis the mayor.
She was the victim, according to Travis Miller and her attorney, Milad Sadr, of “a concerted effort” orchestrated by Valdivia and his minions following his elevation to the post of mayor after he defeated his predecessor, Carey Davis, in the November 2018 election.
Valdivia evinced a shocking degree of chauvinism, according to the suit, including having “questioned why the city had a female city manager or the wisdom of having women in government” which ultimately had the effect of leaving her isolated from other members of city, excluded from meetings, and shunted aside in such a way that she was “cut off [from] the flow of information or communications intrinsic to her essential job duties.” She was, according to the suit, unjustifiably subjected to “negative performance reviews, reduction in authority, administrative leave and termination.”