Volunteers are needed for San Bernardino County’s 2019 Point-in-Time Homeless Count.
The Point-in-Time Homeless Count is a one-day street-based and service-based count and what employees in the county’s Department of Behavioral Health refer to as a “subpopulation survey” of sheltered and unsheltered individuals to identify how many people in San Bernardino County are homeless and their so-called “subpopulation characteristics” on a given day.
The 2019 census is scheduled to take place on Thursday, January 24, 2019 between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.
The Point-in-Time Homeless Count is intended to extend to homeless individuals and families in San Bernardino County and requires the involvement of key community persons and volunteers from each city and all unincorporated areas to help organize and implement the homeless count in their communities. Those identified as key persons and volunteers include representatives of local government, social service providers, law enforcement, municipal agencies, educational institutions, faith-based organizations, local businesses, civic groups, neighborhood associations, nonprofit agencies and current and formerly homeless individuals.
The Point-In-Time-Count is sponsored by the San Bernardino County Homeless Partnership in collaboration with the Office of Homeless Services and in consultation with the Institute for Urban Initiatives.
For the first time, volunteers this year will be conducting the entire count of the county’s unsheltered population by using a smart phone/device application designed specifically for the San Bernardino County Point-in-Time Homeless Count. Training classes on how to use the web-based application for the next San Bernardino County Point-in-Time Count and Survey will be posted on the San Bernardino Homeless Partnership webpage: www.sbcounty.gov/dbh/sbchp on or before January 7, 2019.
Volunteers can complete the registration form to be a volunteer for the 2019 Point-in-Time Count by contacting Michele Bletcher at (909) 386-8231 or at mkbletcher@dbh.sbcounty.gov.