Ownership of the building the county is leasing as an office for its child support services division in Victorville has changed.
On September 24, 2002, the county entered into a ten-year lease agreement with two five-year options to extend with Civic Center Properties, Inc. pertaining to 33,853 square feet of office space at 15400 Civic Drive in Victorville. The building was intended to house the Department of Child Support Services for the initial period of October 1, 2003 through September 30, 2013. In the 16 years since the lease was originally approved, the board of supervisors has approved four amendments, which changed the commencement and termination dates, extended the term, reduced the square footage of the leased area from approximately 33,853 square feet to 26,947 square feet, adjusted the rent schedule and provided for tenant improvements in the reduced areas.
Currently, the county is paying $2.05 per square foot per month for the space, or $55,335 per months or $664,020 annually.
On June 12, 2018, NAI Capital, the broker for Civic Center Properties, Inc., notified the San Bernardino County Real
Estate Services Department that the property was being sold and escrow was expected to close early August. The real estate department contacted the current Civic Center Properties, Inc., which verified the property was being sold to Yi Feng Investments, LLC. On July 23, 2018, Civic Center Properties, Inc. notified the real estate department that escrow closed on August 2, 2018, and the property is now owned by Yi Feng Investments, LLC. The board of supervisors last week ratified Amendment No. 5 to the lease agreement to reflect a change in property ownership from Civic Center Properties, Inc. to Yi Feng
Investments, LLC. All other terms and conditions of the lease remain unchanged.
–Mark Gutglueck