Fashion Guru Iris Apfel has made it to the big leagues as a fashion Barbie Doll. Apfel is 96 and counting! She’s still doing business and dressing flamboyantly flashy. Above all, she is in great spirits. Her staple? Big thick black glasses for starters. Her story began in the textile industry when she along with her husband founded their business and created vintage prints, which drew the attention of many designers in the fashion world. Greta Garbo was a fan, to name just one. Since then, Iris became a fashion role model for many. Iris is laughing out loud at the idea that Mattel is now designing a Barbie doll in what is essentially her image. Don’t run out to the toy store looking for this item, which is not available for sale, at least just yet. Right now it is a one-of-a-kind doll that hasn’t been released for sale to the public. But, coming this fall, Mattel will release a “Styled By” Barbie inspired by Iris Apfel. The stylized Barbie will wear Apfel’s signature oversized glasses and layers of chunky beaded necklaces from her own Rara Avis collection.
Furthermore, her book, titled Iris Apfel Accidental Icon is available for sale and cuter than ever. All in all, Iris is just that, a true doll at heart! She is adored by the fashion world and her uniqueness has brought her to the highest level you can achieve: emulation by Barbie! There’s a lot more to be learned about this colorful soul female by the name of Iris and her story is an inspiration to many. Fashion RARA forever!
“I think people try so hard to learn everything that they miss all the wonderful essentials. There is so much mystery in life that you should leave a mystery.” ~Iris Apfel