The county will expend something less than $700,000 to refurbish Sugarpine Road and the area around it near Big Bear.
Last week the board of supervisors awarded a contract to Brea-based Sully-Miller Contracting Company in the amount of $668,400 for the Division Drive and Sugarpine Road project.
Kevin Blakeslee, the director of the county department of public works, asked the board to “award … a contract to construct the project, which consists of pulverizing existing roadway, removing surplus pulverized material, constructing cement treated base and placing hot mix asphalt concrete, cold planing, placing asphalt concrete leveling, and an asphalt rubber binder seal coat. The work on Sugarpine Road involves the placement of asphalt concrete leveling course, asphalt rubber seal coat and fog seal coat. All work for the project will be done within existing road right-of-way. The roadwork at these locations will preserve and improve the structural integrity of the existing road surface.”
The county previously entered into a cooperative agreement with the City of Big Bear to act as the lead agency in completing the various phases of the project, including the construction phase. Construction is anticipated to commence the end of July 2017 and be completed by end of September 2017.
The project was advertised in the Daily Press on May 30, 2017, in the Precinct Reporter on June 1, 2017, on the County Electronic Procurement Network (ePro) and with specified construction trade journals. On June 15, 2017, three bids were received, one from Sully-Miller Contracting Co. of Brea for $668,400; one from the Matich Corporation of San Bernardino for $780,016 and one from Hardy & Harper, Inc. of Santa Ana for $838,000. All three were deemed responsive, and a contract was entered into with Sully-Miller, the lowest responsible bidder.