By Count Friedrich von Olsen
Lord knows I am something of a Cold Warrior of longstanding, someone who saw, sadly, firsthand the degradation of the Soviet domination of East & Central Europe. I have no charity in my soul for the enslavement of the spirit that ideology represented. So, you might expect that I would be in with those calling for the head of our president for having played footsie with the Russians, whose current leader was once the head of the KGB…
I detect something overblown in the way this issue involving President Donald Trump and our former FBI director is playing out. The Democrats are much too anxious, methinks, to find any pretext they can to discredit our leader, who was elected last November, including making unsubstantiated charges that he conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the election…
Let me offer an alternative interpretation: Perhaps Donald Trump was elected for a reason. And perhaps that reason is that the American People saw in him a vision, or the glimpse of a vision, most do not possess. He is a man who traffics in the world of international commercialism. Instead of being the type of person who sees two days down the road, or two months into the future, or even a year or seven, he is rather of the persuasion that recognizes the trend of the next several decades. Maybe what he sees is what should be obvious to us all: that the model of the Cold War, this us vs. them conception of the United States against the CCCP is passé. The Russians are a remarkable people. They have, in certain areas, achieved technical advancement that rivals our own. They have not come as far as we in the realm of certain consumer goods, but they have much to offer, not the least of which is petroleum, most of which will be sold to consumers on the other side of the world from us. But they will have, indeed they already do have, revenue from those sales, a newly emerging wealth…
Perhaps what Donald Trump sees is that Russia is our next great trading partner, one who is ready to buy more from us, using that wealth accumulated from the sale of its oil to nations outside our own. The Russians are ready to buy, buy and buy some more U.S.-made high quality products. They are our natural ally against the likes of China, which is outmaneuvering us with its sale of inferior but less expensive, and thus more buyable, products…
Perhaps what we need to do is pay less attention to those of smaller vision and let our president do his job…