The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department will pay $4.32 million for ammunition over the next five years.
That payment will go to Dooley Enterprises, Inc. with which the county has had a purchase agreement since 2010.
The existing no-bid $1.8 million contract between the department and Dooley to furnish Winchester ammunition in various calibers and types for the period of September 9, 2014 through June 30, 2017 will be increased to $6.12 million to cover the period from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2022.
Under the contract, the county will pay $864,000 annually to Dooley Enterprises each year, in 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22.
According to captain Robert O’Brine, the contract “provides for continued supply of ammunition in various calibers and types to the department. Testing of ammunition from all major manufacturers is conducted by the department. During the last testing in 2013, Winchester ammunition was the top pick, and its performance, pricing, and availability continues to be the best choice for the department at this time.”
In his report to the board of supervisors prior to the vote on the contract, O’Brine said, “In 2010, Bid Request M-40 requesting pricing for duty and training ammunition was released by the county purchasing department, resulting in the issuing of purchase order No. Z4008 to Dooley Enterprises, Inc. for a three-year period. Since Bid Request M-40 was conducted, Winchester Ammunition has allowed only one distributor in the state of California – Dooley. The department has maintained an annual blanket purchase order with Dooley since December 20, 2012.”
O’Brine said, “The department is requesting a five-year extension in the aggregate amount of $4,320,000 for continued supply of ammunition in various calibers and types to the department.” The board of supervisors authorized the $4.32 million extension.