2017 is upon us and we have quite an appetite for fashion trends in California. As always, we dress according to weather. We have snow in the mountains, and the standout trend is not really new clothes but unbuttoned coats, and jackets in this cold weather. Yes, the troopers of fashion wear their coats/jackets open in freezing weather. The interesting thing is that when a few daring people decide on a look, everyone follows. With that said, the coats/jackets are flying open in cold temperatures and it’s a a bit like a vintage celebrity wearing a coat over the shoulder. It says something about sophistication! The Hollywood weather with palm trees go great with shredded jeans and open coats. It’s all about the attitude this week and people have an open coat about it. So have fun running around with your coats flapping in the winds.
“I love red. Red pants. Red suit. Red coat. Red anything.” -Brad Goreski