I know some of you have been feeling unhappy over this week’s electoral conclusion. But blue is making a comeback in the fashion world. Blue coats, blue dresses, blue hats, and more blue. The color looks better on the outside, too! Our state is full of surprises, and so is the fashion scene. This week the lovely people of the streets are into blue. Blue is all over the place, from schools to the department stores. I guess blue is happening! Sounds glorious right? But the people are even painting their hair blue. What we see when people trend a new color is the magic of fashion reflection on what is happening around us. Stay cool, Cali kids, and keep moving forward because America has always been great!
“I’m not a fashion architect. I don’t dress in Ralph Lauren and Gucci. When I buy a suit, I buy it at J. Press. I have a blue blazer that I wear 80 percent of the time.” -Peter Eisenman