Fall has the greatest things to offer, one being fashion trends, and currently trending are boots. My personal favorites are southern boots, paired with a plaid shirts. But, the boot look this month comes in different lengths, styles, and textures. Buying a pair of boots during fall is pretty much a given, and deciding on a high boot, combat, ankle, and midi boots is the challenge. Even the textiles, like the new velvet materials, can be confusing to choose from. One thing to consider is whether you like a plain leather material, suede material, or velvet material in your boots. Some of the ankle boots come with neat asymmetric zippers too. Truth is boots are forever chic and look fabulous with skirts, dresses, denim, and tights. With that said, get your checklist ready and start looking for your favorite fall boot. Consider comfy cardigans, and all things pumpkin with a pair of boots. Enjoy the weather and your boots!
There’s man all over for you, blaming on his boots the fault of his feet. -Samuel Beckett