By Count Friedrich von Olsen
I am back from my mid-spring vacation, which was as much toil as it was a pleasure, since I had to tend to my holdings on the Continent. I will not bore you with the details, other than to say I had to carry out the singularly unpleasant task of firing the caretaker at my chalet in the Italian Alps, as he had allowed the side garden to fall into an appalling state of dishevele. Everything was shipshape at the port de plaisance in Marseille, and the castle in Bayern is as resplendent as ever, though it does get to me that those I employ to keep both of those places up are enjoying them far more than I. Ahh, the burden of noblesse oblige…
As I was saying, I am back, but of course anyone near the San Bernardino Mountains already knew that. They, no doubt, could hear echoing down the canyons my gloating, which I am told, resounds as a deep tonal chortling at an impressive distance. And why am I gloating? Because, you see, Hillary Clinton has, for all practical purposes, wrapped up the Democratic nomination for president. This means, of course, that come next January 20, the White House will have as its resident a Republican…
It astounded me, quite frankly, when early last year the former First Lady bolted to the head of the Democratic pack. The only prodigious things about her are her nerve, arrogance and power of self delusion. How does this woman think she is qualified to run for president, let alone be the leader of the Free World? How did she get to where she is? On the dubious merit of having been publicly humiliated by her better half’s dalliance with an intern. She parlayed the sympathy that came her way because of that farcical chapter of American History into being elected senator from New York. She was thereafter the beneficiary of the current president’s ill-considered appointment of her to Secretary of State, a post once held by Thomas Jefferson. Her lackluster performance in that role hardly qualifies her for advancement…
One of the striking things about her is she does not seem to understand just how poorly equipped she is. What it comes down to is that she thinks that having been the wife of someone who at best was a third rate president recommends her to the office. During interviews and debates, she falls back continually on references to what she contributed to her husband’s administration of the country, doing so with the presumption that the Bill Clinton era was the Golden Age of America. Not even her fellow Democrats believe that. Here is my prediction: As the spotlight of scrutiny intensifies, this self delusion will become ever more apparent to the American people, including many who currently count themselves in her camp. Every politician must engage in self salesmanship, which is always a risky proposition. Telling the world how great you are is problematic, because if you really are great, you don’t need to tell anyone about it. Hillary Clinton has already oversold herself. And she will need to sell herself yet more. Ignore what Donald Trump will say about her. She will do more damage to herself than he can ever inflict, as she tries to puff herself up to heroic proportions she most obviously cannot fill herself into…
Already, to get where she is, she has allowed her ambition, which outweighs her skill by a ratio, as best I can figure, of 524 to 1, to drive her into engaging in underhanded tactics, such as indulging in these unseemly backroom maneuvers involving super-delegates to prevent members of her own party from choosing fair and square the candidate its members as a true collective think will best represent them and their values. Nevermind that I personally don’t share those values and I loathe Bernie Sanders and his socialistic demeanor every bit as much as I dislike Hillary – he is, after all, a Democrat – it is obvious to me that she has cut him off at the pass illegitimately. Her ruthless loading of the dice against Bernie Sanders, whose ideas she steals or co-opts on a weekly basis, demonstrates her guiding ethic is her own political advancement and not principle. More and more of those in her own party are now seeing her for what she is, which is a hypocritical megalomaniac, engaged in hiding her true nature. As Democrats come to realize she is posing as crusader for the downtrodden when she is treading all over anyone else who would compete in the marketplace of ideas with her, droves of those she has so far succeeded in fooling will abandon her…
Mark my prediction: A Republican will inhabit the White House in 2017…