(November 4) Jean-Rene Claude Basle, who has served as county counsel for four years, has been given a return engagement by the county.
Over the previous four years, his entire compensation package has run the county $390,204 per year. Over the next four years the county’s cost to continue to employ him will be $435,285 per year.
Next month, Basle’s contract was set to expire. On Tuesday. San Bernardino County Chief Executive Officer Greg Devereaux proposed to the board of supervisors that it extend the county’s working relationship with Basle.
According to Devereaux, “Mr. Basle has been successfully providing services to the county counsel’s office as county counsel since December 4, 2010; this amendment will continue the provision of these services for a second four-year term commencing December 4, 2014. The county counsel serves a four-year term of office pursuant to Government Code section 27641. The changes to Contract No. 10-1016 are to the term which will continue the provision of services for a second period of four years and an additional provision was added, as required by Government Code section 53243.2.”
According to Government Code section 53243.2., “On or after January 1, 2012, any contract of employment between an employee and a local agency employer shall include a provision which provides that, regardless of the term of the contract, if the contract is terminated, any cash settlement related to the termination that an employee may receive from the local agency shall be fully reimbursed to the local agency if the employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his or her office or position.”
According to Devereaux, “All other terms and conditions of the contract remain in full force and effect. The office of county counsel provides civil legal services to the board of supervisors, county departments, commissions, special districts and school districts. County counsel also provides legal services to various joint powers authorities and represents the courts and judges on certain matters. As county counsel, Mr. Basle oversees a staff of approximately eighty and is responsible for a budget in excess of $15 million.”
According to Devereaux, “Jean-Rene Basle is to continue to provide services to the county’s counsel’s office as county counsel for a second four-year term commencing on December 4, 2014, with no change to salary or benefits.”
Devereaux said the increase in the county’s cost on Basle’s total compensation package from $390,204 to $435,285 per year does not entail a salary increase. “The change reflects increases in the cost of the benefits elements in the contract. It does not mean he will receive a raise. It is costing the county more to deliver those benefits, but he will not be receiving any more in terms of salary or benefits himself.”
Basle attended the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, Washington and received his law degree from Seattle University School of Law. He has been practicing law in California since 1988.