(October 15) Acquanetta Warren touted her leadership skills in explaining why she believes she deserves a second term as mayor of Fontana.
In sizing up her accomplishments over the last four years during which she has reigned as mayor and the eight years prior to that when she was on the city council, Warren said she had overseen “the complete transformation of the city of Fontana both economically and socially. We made the environment safe.”
The major challenges and issues facing Fontana, Warren said, consist of “making sure we continue maintaining and improving our neighborhoods and make it so our residents take better advantage of the transportation options available to them. I want people to know this is the logistics capital of the United States. We have to ensure that we maintain our infrastructure and utilities. That is what I have to work on over the next four years.”
Warren said, “We have three new interchanges coming in. One is being completed and the other two will be underway in a very short time. When they are completed, they are going to create a huge opportunity for economic development.”
Her formula for the city meeting the challenges it faces is to, she said, “continue to develop our city as the transportation hub it already is. I want to bring better jobs to Fontana. The way to do that is to expand and make our city a more desirable location for companies. We need to make sure our transportation advantages attract companies. We should be the power broker in moving goods in the region. We have to protect our way of life by keeping our neighborhoods safe. We have to work with all of the community’s agencies, including the local water companies to move forward with our idea of what the city should look like in the future. We need to continue our current partnerships and start new partnerships. One of the most important things is to have a balanced budget. The most important thing in my mind besides public safety is having a balanced budget.”
Warren said she merits reelection because “I have vision. I have drive. I have a proven leadership record. I have been a major driving force behind Fontana’s revitalization and its future. I have the leadership needed to fulfill the potential Fontana has. I have proved with the city’s Healthy Fontana Program, which is the umbrella for all of our promotion programs, that Fontana is second to none in terms of parks. Fontana is second to none in terms of facilities. Fontana is second to none in terms of police service. It is second to none in terms of economic development. Fontana is going to take its place as a leading city. With all the awards it has received, and there will be more, Fontana is an example of what the rest of the world will see when they look forward to California’s future.”
Warren grew up in South Central Los Angeles and attended Locke High School. She graduated from Occidental College with a degree in political science and urban studies. Before she advanced to the city council, she was a member of the Village of Heritage Citizens Landscaping Committee and was later a member of the city of Fontana General Plan Advisory Committee.