(September 4) Upland Councilwoman Debbie Stone says she is seeking reelection this year “because I feel that there is still a lot I have to offer to the residents of Upland and have a strong understanding of what needs to be done. The council has a lot of unfinished business to take care of.”
She said voters should consider her as providing a means toward a goal, rather than a politician.
“I do not feel that it is about me and my accomplishments,” she said. “We as a council have accomplished some things, but a lot have been deferred. I understand my role as a policy setter, and that is the council’s role, to give direction to our city manager for execution. We as a council need to focus and get down to business.”
Stone referenced recommendations made by a blue ribbon panel of city residents formed to serve as a fiscal task force to look at ways the city could redress its fiscal challenges.
“The council needs to focus on the task force recommendations and continue to move them forward,” she said. “These are the things that we have to evaluate, and give our city manager direction to get the work done on the items. It will not be easy but in order to keep the city moving in the right direction we have to make these hard calls.”
Stone said, “The major issues that that we are facing are the well-publicized search for new or increasing revenue, controlling and cutting costs, ensuring public safety, dealing with our aging infrastructure, our unfunded pension liabilities, and getting the council working together to move solutions forward in a timely way.”
Stone said she believes she merits being reelected. “Being on the council for the last 2 ½ years, I have learned a lot, and have the energy, knowledge and drive to continue to work to improve our city. I have worked with city staff and the council to move changes forward. During my tenure on the council I have been focused on being the voice of our residents, and not the voice of any group that that has been a campaign contributor or city employee group..I believe that my voting record distinguishes me from the rest, I have been consistent and will continue to be. My goal is that the citizens of Upland are proud to live in Upland. I have always been and will continue to be focused on making the best decisions for the long term financial health, and quality of life in Upland.”