(September 8) Lionel Dew said he is vying for the Victorville City Council “because we need someone who can govern from day one.”
Dew said he is that individual. Pointing to his varied experience, Dew said he stands head and shoulders over the competing candidates.
The others in the race don’t have the government experience that I do,” he said. “I worked in the Gray Davis Administration. I worked in the Schwarzeneggar Administration after that. I had 21 years experience in the U.S. Air Force, serving as an executive officer. I have a strong background in management. I have made decisions to hire directors and management staff at the state level. I am an experienced decision maker. I have government experience the others lack. I can govern from day one.“
115,903-popultion Victorville is faced with challenges, Dew said, not the least of which is the ongoing drought that the city must overcome if it is to continue as a viable municipal entity. “We need infrastructure. We need to enhance public safety. The airport itself is a billion dollar industry all by itself. I don’t think you want to those type of decisions in the hands s of someone who is not experienced. The city needs people who are experienced and are able to make business and executive decisions and be accountable. I have experience that exceeds that of all of the other candidates combined. I am the most capable and most qualified of anyone in the race.”
Victorville, Dew said, “has to be built smartly. We have small lots and larger lots. I think we have needs for all types of lots given the sorts of places industry is looking to build on. When we make a decision about a lot of any size that is to be built, we have to think about the infrastructure that will serve that property. Victorville has access to electricity. We have to make use of what we have in a smart way.”
Dew said he will be a leader who “will be proactive and sensitive. I have a tendency to weigh issues carefully. The citizens are deserving of not just anyone who wants to run for election. They deserve someone who has a clear record of public service who has actually governed. I have 21 years in the military and a strong background in management.
Born in Virginia, Dew attended Victor Valley College and Southern Illinois University, studying liberal arts and health care management.