(November 21) APPLE VALLEY—The Apple Valley Town Council on November 12 awarded a construction contract on the Yucca Loma Bridge project, providing local residents and those traversing the area with another means of crossing the Mojave River, providing a new route from Apple Valley to Spring Valley Lake and Victorville.
Based upon town staff’s recommendation, the council accepted a bid of $37,265,833.50 from Security Paving Company, Inc.
In April of 2012, the Town of Apple Valley entered into a construction funding
agreement with the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, by which the authority agreed to be responsible for 45% of the costs for constructing the Yucca Loma Bridge over the Mojave River. The town agreed to be responsible for the remaining 55% of the construction costs.
In May of 2013, the Town of Apple Valley entered into an agreement with the San
Bernardino County Transportation Authority and the county of San Bernardino, by which the authority agreed to be responsible for 82.2% of the Yates Road improvements construction costs and the county agreed to be responsible for the remaining 17.8% of the construction costs. The town agreed to serve as the lead agency in the construction of the project, in conjunction with the Yucca Loma Bridge construction, and to be responsible for 0% of the construction costs. As lead agency, the town agreed to advertise, award, administer and initially fund the construction activities.
Plans and specifications for the Yucca Loma Bridge over the Mojave River and the Yates Road improvements project were finalized on August 13, 2013.
On August 22, 2013, the town’s engineering department issued a notice inviting sealed bids. The town clerk’s office received 10 sealed bids in response to the notice. The project’s bid opening was held on October 10, 2013, at the town council chambers. Security Paving Company’s bid of $37,265,833.50 was followed by M.C.M. Construction, Inc.’s bid of $37,777,777. Skanska USA bid $38,437,405.00. Riverside Construction Company offered to do the job for $38.712,915. OHL USA, Inc. bid $39,141,674, followed by Sundt’s bid of $39,150,219, and then one by Steve P. Rados, Inc. for $40,323,792.50. Sema Construction bid $41,197,275.30. C.C.Meyrs, Inc. bid $42,500,000. Golden State Bridge, Inc. was the high bidder at $43,156,473.27
Each of the opened bids was later reviewed and analyzed by the engineering department for compliance with the requirements outlined in the notice. The engineering department staff concluded that all 10 submitted bids were complete and that Security Paving Company, Inc., is, in fact, the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
Work will consist of construction of the new Yucca Loma Bridge over the Mojave River, oadway and drainage improvements on Yucca Loma Road near Kasanka Trail,
grading, approach roadway and roadway widening to the west at Yates Road from the western approach to the Mojave Narrows Regional Park entrance, new sound walls along Yates Road, a new project restoration area on the north side of Yates Road, and a new outfall and interim regional drainage facility from Yucca Loma Road at Kasanka
Trail to the Mojave River, as indicated on the plans and specifications in city documents. The project will require minor traffic control for equipment access and construction of the project by the contractor and subcontractors as shown within the contract documents.
Coordination and compliance is also required by the contractor with the various regulatory agencies including, but not limited to, Army Corps of Engineers, Lahotan
Regional Water Quality Control Board, California Department of Fish and Wildlife and San Bernardino County Flood Control District.
Widening and utility improvements on Yates Road are also included in the project.