(July 5) The county board of supervisors last week approved providing $3.5 million to nine elderly nutrition programs.
According to Ron Buttram, the director of the county’s department of aging and adult services, “The senior nutrition program provides nourishing meals and nutrition education and counseling to people 60 years of age or older and their spouses. Since 1978, DAAS has administered the Senior Nutrition Program for the county of San Bernardino. We anticipate that in 2013-14, these contractors will provide approximately 299,570 congregate and 326,577 home delivered meals throughout the County.”
A solicitation of bids in February attracted ten applications to provide the meal service. All ten were determined to be qualified.
One of those, the Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District, declined the recommended award of a contract.
Buttram said the county would award “contracts with nine agencies to provide elderly nutrition program services, in a combined total contract amount not to exceed $3,565,330, for the period of July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
The Barstow Senior Citizens Center will be provided with $187,630.
He Big Bear Valley Recreation and Park District will receive $26,939.
The Bonnie Baker Senior Citizens Club will receive $118,300.
The city of San Bernardino will receive $210,122.
The city of Montclair will get $86,204.
The Crest Forest Senior Citizens Club will receive $35,918.
The Family Service Association will receive $2,504,329.
Hi Desert Meals on Wheels will receive $370,746.
The Lucerne Valley Senior Citizens Center will receive $25,142.