San Bernardino County Superior Court will discontinue conducting “night court” for traffic infractions, effective March 1.
According to Presiding Judge Marsha Slough, “The court has taken this action due to severe ongoing budget reductions.”
Night court is presently held once a month in each of the Barstow, Big Bear, Fontana, Joshua Tree, Needles, Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino and Victorville court districts. Those operations will discontinue as of March 1.
Drop boxes are provided in all court districts to receive fine payments by check or money order and traffic school proof of completion.
“California faces a financial crisis of historical proportions and neither the Superior Court for San Bernardino County nor the California judicial system is exempt from having to deal with the crisis,” said Slough. “After careful deliberation, I, as the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court for San Bernardino County, have concluded that the changes set forth above are one of the most reasonable and measured ways to meet the court’s extremely difficult financial challenges.”